"So," Spoke a woman. Her skin was dark and she wore a colorful suit. Her hair was dark like her skin and her eyes were a honey color. She smile was sweet, fitting her sweet eye color and those eyes were wide with anticipation. She looked as if she's a fan of the band, "everyone is super excited to see you just as you dropped your new album." 

The crowd cheered as the band made short sounds and nodded their heads. Keith was unsure what to say but he simply followed the others. 

"So, what was the process like? You know, making the album and all." She asked. 

The band looked to each other and in less than a few split seconds everyone's eyes locked on Pidge. It was like a mental agreement to let her answer this. So she chirped, "Yeah, it was exhausting! Like, we were super stressed because we were fresh out of ideas but thanks to Keith we were able to get back on our feet. And so far people like it~!" Pidge sang. She sat at the edge of her seat, grinning to the others who each flashed their own smile. 

"Yes, yes, yes. So, speaking of Keith, we hear the endless rumors that he's officially a new band member! Is that right?" This time everyone looked to Keith, though it was obvious he should be the one to answer the question. 

"Yeah, I'm the bassist in the band now. But, you know, every band member doesn't just sing or play drums, we also help out in writing and organizing. So I've been doing my best and it's been great being a part of the band." Keith spoke. Lance couldn't help but speak up too, his voice raised as people cheer for Keith. 

"He's totally been a help! He's been a great pal too and he really helped us. We don't know where we would be without Keith." Lance smiled, he and Keith locking eyes for a few seconds. Lance lay his hand over Keith's for a few short moments before quickly pulling it away. Hunk reached over Lance to pat Keith's shoulder. 

"Wonderful! So," Keith noticed this host who he had totally forgotten the name of used "So" a lot, "There has been endless gossip about relationships in the band..." The crowd immediately erupted into cheers. Keith's stomach dropped, though the question was inevitable, isn't it? "So, it's no secret Hunk is currently in a relationship with the beloved Shay~" A picture appeared behind the band on a large screen, a picture of Hunk and Shay that made the crowd coo in awe while Hunk blushed immensely. How did they even get that picture? "How's it going with you two?"

Hunk sighed. "Obviously it isn't a walk in the park. The long distance is terrible but I'm just glad there's not much people threatening her. Though you can't always avoid toxic people like that who threaten innocent people. It's easy enough to ignore but it would be desirable to not have those types of people." 

The lady nodded. "Yes, yes, yes," Another things she tends to repeat, "So," And another, "Any other relationships? It's no secret that people tend to fantasize about you guys, Lance and Keith in a relationship. Ever since your first public appearance together people have been going crazy. Anything you guys wanna share~?" She hummed suggestively. 

Keith couldn't help the nervous smile that crept onto his face and he could only hope he wasn't blushing. Lance too was smiling, the nerves clear in his expression. Lance spoke quickly, "It was surprising how they people immediately saw Keith and I as the perfect match. And we have to admit, a lot of people have been very... vigilant and have been digging deep to find evidence."

Pidge snickered, speaking up herself. "Yup, I have to say I've read some fanfiction." She giggled.

"So, do you like the idea of this relationship, Pidge? Or would you prefer Katie?"

Pidge shrugged. "Whatever name is fine. But really they have a cute bromance and if that evolved into something more I'd support them. It's not like I'm gonna brainwash them into liking each other." 

Hunk frowned. "I'm not sure I believe that." 

Lance laughed and agreed as the crowd laughed. Keith was already uncomfortable, it would have been funny for him if it were just the four of them but now there was a crowd and some weird lady. Now all he could do was smile and nod like an idiot until someone looked for him to speak. 

"And Keith," Well quiznak, "what's your input on this whole Klance thing?"

Keith frowned slightly as he took a short few moments to think of what to say. 

"Well, I don't care what the people do. If they like it or hate it, it wont affect mine and Lance's relationship whether it's nonexisting or existing. I just like watching everyone get excited when we do anything in the slightest together."

"Yes, yes, yes. And there have been photos swimming around the internet. Here's one which was been quite popular..." 

The band spin their heads and immediately Lance and Keith's faces pale. It was the picture. The picture.

"So, is this picture two look alikes, good photoshop or is it real?"

Pidge and Hunk turned to the boys with smirks displayed on their faces. Pidge's eyebrows wiggled and her lips puckered. It was the picture that happened on the night that Keith likes to pretend was a messed up fantasy in the back of his head. It was when they went to dinner and they ended up kissing for... well for no reason really. It just happened randomly as if someone was controlling them and said "Hey, why not?" And made them make out. Pidge snorted as spoke in a low voice to the boys. 

"Well, Klance is canon king, ten dollars for me Hunk." 

OOOOOOOOO snap. What's gonna happen. 

Lmao i dont nobody knows whats next to come, not even me. That's why it's so exciting!

-Patty '3'

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