Ep.6: Little Gift Shop of Horrors

Start from the beginning

Everyone except You and Dipper: *laugh*

You: *whisper to Dipper* I can see why the witch cursed him.

Dipper: *chuckles a little at you comment*

The next morning we were in the kitchen waiting for breakfast when...

Stan: *walks over holding the frying pan with with both his hands together* Alright, kiddos, breakfast time! Prepare your mouths to-! *the frying pan falls making Stan's mittens fall off revealing that he has no hands*

Waddles: *shrieks and hides under the table*

You and Mabel: AHHH!!!



Stan: ...so I might've gotten cursed a little, but the watch looks nice, right? *looks at the watch which now show's the witch*

Hand Witch: Foolish man, thieving hands find find wicked face!!! You must return what-

Stan: *with his mouth he puts the mitten over his watch making the witch muffle* That's better.

Dipper: *sigh* I told you, grunkle Stan, you gotta give that watch back and apologize!

You: I agree.

Stan: *sits down* What?!? That old crone should apologize to me for denying my right to buy cheap junk!!! I don't need hands, I've got self-respect!!! *tries to get his coffee which spills all over the table, then slaps the bacon which lands on his face* Mabel, sweetie, will you make your uncle some hands?

Mabel makes him some 'hands' out of cups, forks, and of course, glitter.

Mabel: La la la, hand makeover!!!! Say hello to your new hands!!!! In quotes!

Stan: Nice work, kid! *tries to ruffle Mabel's hair but instead he gets the forks stuck on it and pulls it making her hair a mess* See?!? Hands are overrated!!!

You: Now you need a hair makeover.

Mabel: Fine by me!!!

Stan: *stands up* I'm ready to take on the day!!!

Lazy Susan: *walks by*

Stan: *lifts up his fez hat with his new hands* Ma'am.

Lazy Susan: *screams and runs away*

Stan: *waves causing a fork to stab his cheek*

You: Oh boy.

Long story short, the day did NOT go well. We ended up going to the witches cave. As we enter...

Mabel: According to the Swap Meet pamphlet, the Hand Witch lives in a horrible Hand Watch lair, on Hand Witch Mountain!

Stan: Stop saying Hand Witch.

You, Dipper, Mabel, and Stan: *walk for four seconds in silence*

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