Chunin Exams pt3 (10)

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It was the beginning part of the third part of the chunin exams. Everyone was lined up with their teams while the hokage explained about the next part of the exam. Before anyone could move on to the next part of the exam a guy with almost shoulder length brown hair asked the hokage something. He referred himself as the gecko. He told everyone that there would be preliminary rounds. Sakura was confused to why there was going to be a preliminary round. Curiousity getting the best of her she asked the teacher why there was going to be preliminary round. He then explained that it was necessary due to the amount of participants. "Is that even fair?" she whispered. The teacher asked there was anyone that wanted to quit that they should do it now. Sakura looked at Sasuke and her eyes widened. He was in horrible condition. The mark...

Sasuke's POV (Suprise!)
The pain on my neck was almost unbearable. I could feel the mark that the grass ninja gave me, it burned. I held my neck with a hand trying to ease the pain even the slightest. I couldn't even put on a straight face. Wihout even looking behind me I could tell Sakura was worried about me. I could hear her trying to persuade me to quit but being stubborn I told her that I was fine and that I could continue. As Sakura was about to raise her hand I was quick to grab it and pull it down before the teacher saw. I knew that they were already keeping an eye on me because the hokage was looking my way. Telling Sakura one last time that I will be fine I turned back to the front trying to ignore the pain as I felt eyes burning though me.

~Time Skip~
Kabuto was the one that ended up forfeiting the match. Sakura found it quite suspicious since she knew that he had already done the exams more than once. Once Kabuto left they started the third part of the chunin exams. Sasuke stayed due to him being stubborn. Names them appeared on the screen. Sasuke vs Yoroi. Sasuke smirked thinking that it would be an easy battle but he underetimated his opponent. When heading up towards the viewing area Sakura looked around. She spotted a familiar face between other teachers. Glaring at him she thought 'How come no one has spotted him? I mean its obvious who he is.' She then turned back to the battle analyzing Sasuke's opponent. Th opponent named Yoroi was able to steal chakara. When Sasuke finally noticed he had to find a different way to attack. An idea popped into his head and he smirked. Using Lee's attack techinique and adding his own he won the battle. Falling on his knees due to the pain Kakashi teleported to him. Kakashi then took him away while Sasuke held his neck. Kakashi was going to seal the mark.
Sasuke vs Yoroi ---> Sasuke won
Shino vs Zaku ---> Shino won
Kankuro vs Misumi ----> Kankuro won

~Time Skip~

It was now time for the next battle. Sakura vs Ino. As soon as the match started they threw kunais at each other which were then deflected. They stood facing each other as they remember their childhood. Sakura really cares for Ino even if she doesn't admit it, the same goes for Ino. Sakura never really loved Sasuke it was all an act to get back at Ino and make her jealous. Remembering their promis Sakura took off her headband and tied it on her forehead. Things were now going to get serious. Ino did the same. The real battle was now begining. 'No more holding back' they both thought.

~Sakura's POV~
Focusing some chakra to my feet I ran towards Ino with a chakra infused fist. Dodging the attack that Ino sent towards me I uppercut her and sent her flying across the arena. I slightly transformed to be able to use more of my chakra. The tips of my hair turned a slight red which was unnoticeable to anyone without very trained eyes. We both threw shurikens and kunais at each other. I was getting tired of the battle so I ran towards her and hit her using a chakra infused kick. I could tell that Ino was getting serious in the battle. She brought a kunai to her head and cut off her hair throwing it up in the air. I didn't think twice about that but when she said "mind transfer jutsu" I knew exactly what she was going to do. I tried running away before she could trap me but her chakra filled hair kept me in place. I then felt myself drift away.

~No One's POV~
Ino had taken control over Sakura but that did not last long. Before Ino could make Sakura forfeit Naruto helped out by yelling out at Sakura to not give up. Sakura then used her inner to take Ino out of her mind which was success. Once Ino was out they continued they ran towards each other but before Ino could hit Sakura, she grabbed her fist and punched her as hard as she could without chakra. Ino skid across the arena not being able to get up again. Sakura had won. Sakura then went over to Ino picking her up and healing her slightly before walking back up to watch the next fights.
Sakura vs Ino ----> Sakura won
Tenten vs Temari ---> Temari won
Shikamaru vs Kin ---> Shikamaru won
Naruto vs Kiba ----> Naruto won

Hinata vs Neji ----> Neji won
During the battle between Neji and Hinata, Hinata was not hit in the heart. Sakura had teleported infront of Neji before it could happen. Holding onto his wrist tightly she said "Are you trying to kill her?" Neji looked at her with rage clearly in his eyes while she glared back. Everyone in the crowd gasped with suprise. "This fight is over, Neji has won. If he had hit her heart it would've caused her to go into cardiac arrest" after saying this Sakura let his wrist go and went back to her seat. They then went on to the next match.

Gaara vs Lee ----> Gaara won
Before Gaara could finish off Lee and use sand coffin Sakura used some of her chakra to stop the sand. 'My sand why isn't it working!' Gaara thought as his eyes were wide open. Using some energy he turned his head towards Sakura. 'It must be her' he thought. Not even a minute later Lee fell down due to exhaustion and his injuries. With this Gai sensei caught him. "Lee!" yelled Sakura about to jump down. "There is noting you can do" said Kakashi. Sakura however didn't listen and jumped down, transforming into her fox form in which no one was able to see and walked towards Lee. "Gai sensei please hand him here" she said kneeling down. Gai gave Lee to her and she set his head on her lap. Her hand giving off a gentle green light that engulfed Lee, after a few minutes most of Lee's major injuries were healed mostly leaving the minor ones. Giving Lee back to Gai and transforming back to normal she teleported back up and acted as if nothing happened.
Dosu vs Choji ----> Dosu won

~Time Skip~
All the contestants that had won the round were moving on to the final rounds. They were going to be given some time to train before he next part

Sorry, I promised to be done by July 4 but I didn't fulfill my promise. I actually passed my written exams which made me happy. There will also be one last part to the chunin exams, hope you enjoyed.

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