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It was the last day of school before winter vacation and it hadn't snowed once.

Amy was counting the hours school would finally end and prayed to the snow gods that a miracle would happen; she not only wanted it to snow, but she yearned to stop wanting something she can't have.

She lifted her head up from checking her texts on her phone when she heard the familiar hooting and whooping that typically accompanied the blue hedgehog. She saw Sonic high fiving his buddies at their hangout spot in between Bulwer and Hathaway hallway. Sighing, she wondered if she would ever be able to look at him and feel normal. Instead, her stomach churned and her heart beat rapidly in her chest. Her throat tightened and her small hands clammed up. It was ridiculous how much power he had over her and even more ridiculous that he didn't notice it.

When his green piercing eyes caught her eye, she scolded herself for staring at him like a silly schoolgirl. Amy was probably gawking at him like every other girl in school who was in love with him. She offered a tight smile and a halfhearted wave. The pink hedgehog threw her phone in her bag and started to walk to her English class, which was thankfully in the opposite direction from where Sonic was standing. She wasn't ignoring him to spite him. Amy just wanted to push the 'friends only' thing so that she could have enough time to develop feelings for Jet. Then all her problems would be solved, right?

"Ames, wait up!"

Wrong. Nervously, she turned on her heel to see Sonic approaching her with his normal charismatic grin and mischievous eyes. "Hey you." Amy tried to keep her voice even as her right hand shoved his shoulder. The pink hedgehog hid her groan when she saw that she pushed him a step back.

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just entered the dreaded friend zone," Amy muttered under her breath as her cheeks turned a darker shade.

"Are you okay?" He asked her in confusion.

She scuffed her shoes against the ground and in the most enthusiastic voice she could muster, she said, "Just peachy, you?"

Sonic frowned. "Are you...sure you're okay?"


"Because you're acting really...weird."

Amy smiled tightly. "Am I? Weird..." Silence overcame the two hedgehogs. Avoiding Sonic's eyes, Amy looked down at the ground and shuffled from leaning on one foot to the other foot.

"Okay..." The blue hedgehog said slowly. "I'm just going to go to class then...I'll see you tonight for your holiday dinner."

Forgetting her nonchalant cover, she swore, "Shit, that's tonight?"

He laughed, relieved to see that she was still very forgetful. "See ya tonight," the blue hedgehog said, turning to go to class.

Watching his retreating figure, Amy held on to her stomach and wondered how she was going to kill these butterflies.



Shit, Sonic thought to himself as he turned around to see his frowning girlfriend who was trudging towards him. He pressed himself against the brick of the cafeteria wall. "Hey, Sal. Miss me?"

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