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"I don't think we should see each other anymore."

Well, that was certainly surprising. Amy Rose had not expected Jet to show up on her doorstep with that piece of news.

Her lips parted in surprise. She hadn't expected him to say this. Amy blurted out, "Why?"

He eyed her intently and said calmly, "You know why."

The pink hedgehog raised an eyebrow at him. "I can't read your mind, Jet."

Jet sighed wearily and rubbed his forehead. "You don't like me the way I like you."

"That's not-"

"Don't lie. You don't like me the way I like you because you're in love with Sonic."

Taken back, the flustered Amy looked at him in surprise. Quickly, she retorted, "No, I don't. Why does everyone think that?" She asked in frustration.

"Because it's written all over your face when you're with him. Every time, I see you with him, you glow. You two have so much history, so much history that I can't compete with him anymore. As hard as I try, I won't be able to even remotely get you to feel the same way about me because you won't let me know you the way he does."

When did Jet become a therapist? He thought he knew her, that he figured her out. That wasn't true. Of course, she kept her guard around people, but she let people in too. "I have lots of friends that know me well...like Cream and Mina and..."

"Right, because I see you with them all the time," He said. Seeing her dejected countenance, he added, "Look, I'm not trying to attack you. I'm not saying you're a bad person for only letting him in. I just...well, I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish I was Sonic."

Noticing how crestfallen he looked, she reached out to touch him, whispering his name. He stepped out of her reach and ran a hand through his green hair. "It's okay, Amy. It just wasn't written in the stars for us. No biggie. I'll um...see you around, okay?"

She couldn't just let him leave after what he just said! He was hurt by their one-sided love, something that Amy was used to. Making a quick decision, Amy pulled his head towards hers and kissed him aggressively. She couldn't bare to see him leave feeling hurt and alone like she felt when she saw how Sonic felt about Sally. Amy wanted to convince him, to convince herself that she had feelings for him. The pink hedgehog was so focused on giving her all that she didn't notice that his lips were stiff and cold.

Jet pulled away from her and looked away. "I don't need your pity, Amy." He didn't say this unkindly, but it made Amy feel a hundred times worse.

Jet stood up to leave. Amy watched him walk down the steps slowly, as if it pained him to walk away. She knew this would eventually happen. Amy knew that she would end up breaking his heart. She felt so guilty because she didn't try hard enough to like him. Instead of focusing on him and their relationship, she was too fixated on her feelings for Sonic, the boy that was too confused to be reliant on.

This was what it felt like being on the other side of the unrequited love. It sucked feeling like a complete douche bag for letting this nice guy down, but it probably didn't suck as much as being Jet.

Amy watched him get into his car and drive away without looking at her.

She felt horrible.

She felt guilty.

She felt angry with herself for allowing this to happen, for not trying harder.


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