Fry It's Circuits

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Android 18

      "Krillin!" 18 charged into the tentacle spearing it into the wall before she ripped it of but she felt her energy draining, this whole place must have been designed to take down androids. Another tentacle grabbed hold of 18 and slammed her into the ground. Five more came out and grabbed her arms and her legs and her neck. More grabbed Krillin and it seemed a hundred more created a barrier between her and her baby.

"This isn't looking good." Krillin sighed looking at his wife and then up to his baby girl if only Goku were here

"Oops, I broke your toy." 17 flew into the room with the head of another android, he threw it on the ground "hey, 18?" he called "how do you kill a machine?" 17 had a smirk on his face, the smirk that meant he had a plan.

"Not the time for game, 17." 18 chocked out.

"How do you kill a machine?" he asked again raising his eyebrow. Then 18 remembered, the jokes they had told each other in their early years of their transformation.

"Fry its circuits." 18 looked to Krillin to make sure he got it, he nodded. 18 powered up, Krillin and 17 followed suit.

"What are you doing?" Dr. Gero demanded. Red lights flashed "no, stop it" he had built this place to withstand one android rebellion, this was too much energy. They turned themselves into one bog explosion, reserving just enough energy to keep themselves alive. Light filled the room Marron cowered in the cage.

"I will destroy you!" Dr. Gero's voice cut out, the pulses threatening to take 18 down at any minute ceased and Marron sat in a mostly broken cage. 17 fell to his knees, Krillin dropped to the ground but 18 gathered the last of her strength and flew up to Marron.

"Hey there, Sugar." 18 didn't have to force a smile, looking at Marron always brought one to her face.

"Mommy!" Marron jumped out of the destroyed cage and into her mother's arms. The forced of the impact sent 18 toward the ground. 18 forced enough energy to slow their decent.

"Mommy, you saved me!" Marron giggled. Sitting on her mom's chest. 18 lay on the ground next to Krillin. Krillin grabbed 18's hand and smiled at her. 17 watched the interaction, he knew 18 didn't remember before they were androids, not really, but he did. Dr. Gero only decided to remove the memories after he saw how 17 missed his human life, he didn't want 18 to be distracted by such things.

"Where do you think you're going?" 18 demanded of her brother.

"The world's my home now, sis, wherever I want." 17 tried to play it off but 18 saw it clear as day. "Princess Marron, didn't dismiss you yet." 18 smirked. Marron clapped her hands "I order you to stay here." She ordered. 17's jaw dropped, he wasn't sure what to do now, it would be demeaning to take orders from a five year old but it was 18's daughter.

"Huh..." 17 looked to Krillin as if he had any experience in turning either one of his girls down.

"There's no getting out of this." Krillin laughed

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