A New Day

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Rose's POV

The room is dim but I can make out Alec perfectly. His hair is a mess and I can't fight off the urge to run my hands through it. His dark locks are smooth and soft so I keep running my hands through his hair, not getting enough of the texture. I spot some stubble growing and lower my hand from his head and run my thumb over the scruffy jaw line. His head twitches and I freeze up, close to tearing my hand away. With his eyes still close his body sleepily rolls to his right side, facing me. I let out a sigh of relief, glad that I didn't wake him up.

"Why are you touching me while I'm sleeping?" Alec asks in a deep sleep ridden voice. I feel my entire face flush brightly in the dim room. His dark eyes lazily open and gaze at me. Even freshly open in the morning his gaze is heavy and intense like always. He rolls his eyes and chuckles dryly at my red face.

"I'm going to head back, ok? So Charlie doesn't find an empty room." I say and a weak scowl crosses over his features that matches the disappointment in his eyes. They're only there for a spilt second before he sits up and pushes off the covers. But I still saw it.

"I'll be a gentlemen and walk you out." He offers and I get to my feet and follow him through the dark hallway that leads to the living room. Even though the two apartments are right next to each other they are really different. Unlike Charlie's apartment where you are in a small foyer that leads to a living room right when you walk in Alec's living room is in the very back. I run my thumb over my inhaler that I made sure to grab. When we reach the window with the light blue light dimly lighting the room we linger.

I don't want to leave Alec and I guess he doesn't want me to leave either. This is the closest I've ever felt to being wanted, by anybody. I like the feeling, it's reassuring and accepting and adoring even.

"What time is it?" I stall. Alec looks over his shoulder at the tv where a black box below flashes the time in glowing numbers.

"Five thirty." He answers. I like Alec after he freshly wakes up. He isn't as intense and angry and brooding. I like how Alec has a fire like personality because I wish I could have one but I also like him now. To tired to fight and I think this is the real Alec. No one can be that angry all the time. Where would one get the energy from?

"So today's adventure will commence in seven and half hours." Alec states and my brows bounce up. I mentally count the hours in my head and realize that he has something planned right at noon.

"What is the adventure?" I ask.

"Well since you you're not a local I'm going to give you an exclusive tour of this fucking awesome city on the back of my bike." Alec informs me. He is doing that for me? No one has ever done anything like this for me. Not even close. My heart swells up and all I want to do is tell Alec how grateful I am. I want him to know how much this means to me but I can't verbalize it.

"T-thank you." I choke out and reach out to hug him but stop. That... That would be awkward right? To just wrap my arms around him, right?

Alec reaches out and encircles me with his muscular arms. I'm so taken off guard that I take a minute to return the embrace and reach my arms around Alec's tone framed. Alec is warm, and he is soothingly running his fingers down my spine. I don't know how long we were just standing there, hugging, but it ended much to soon. Alec is the one to step back and I feel my cheeks enflame, suddenly embarrassed. I feel stupid now, I definitely hugged to long, making him uncomfortable. I give a sheepish grin and open the window, hoisting myself onto the fire escape. With a meek wave I go back to my room.


"What do you think of that one?" Luca asks. I hum happily, grinning up at him and his foster siblings with milk dripping off my lips. I snuck back into my room, sleeping only to be awaken with kids jumping on my bed. I was dragged, literally by my limbs by the kids and offered cereal, only stating I never had that many. Now every cereal that can be found under Charlie's roof is sitting in a bowl in front of me, swimming in milk.

"And that ladies and gentlemen is mumbling for delicious." Charlie chuckles. I don't even say anything as I hurriedly shove another spoon full into my mouth. The kids laugh as they each eat their single bowls of cereal.

"By the way, that's Lucky Charms." Bay states, a huge smile on her face. I hum happily again and she just giggles. The bowl is pulled away from me and another is slide it's place.

"Alright, you gotta try this. That's cinnamon toast crunch." Mika says and I waste no time digging in. I groan in bliss and slide my eyes shut, hearing everyone laugh.

"You're welcome for introducing you two." Mika jokes, winking. My mouth grins around the spoon in my mouth.

"Tomorrow, can she try pop tarts?" Max asks. All four pair of eyes widen at the suggestion and grin at each other.

"That's a great idea." Sabrina says with a huge smile. I have an idea what poptarts are but I never tried them. Boxes of macaroni and sliced bread was as good as it got back at Phil's and Dianna's.

My eyes wonder to the microwave for the hundredth time, checking the time yet again. I found my eyes just anxiously glancing to the clock on the microwave every ten minutes in the last hour, as if it would make noon come faster. Although, this time I nearly spit out the chewed, soggy in my mouth when I see 11:56 flash back at me.

"Woah, here use a napkin." Sabrina says as she hands me a napkin. I use it to whipe my mouth and suddenly get to my feet, surprise flashing on everyone's faces.

"Where's the fire?" Mika asks as I walk up to Charlie. "I hate to eat and run but Alec has plans to show me the city. Can I go?" I ask. Charlie hesitates and after the fiasco the other night I don't blame him for it.

"Well, if it's Alec at least I know you have a ride back this time." Charlie says, if only he knew about the other night, but I for sure won't tell him.

"Is that a yes?" I ask and Charlie sighs and nod. "Yeah," He confirms.

I grin up at him softly, "Thank you." I say. With quick goodbyes I rush down stairs to the outside of the building. Finding Alec leaning against his bike, tapping his impatiently.

"About time you showed up." Alec grunts.

"I'm only a few minutes late." I say, his eyes flash defensively with anger and his cheeks seem to pinkin faintly.

"One minute to many." Alec says with a wave of his hands. I was going to protest but Alec silenced me by sliding his black helmet onto my head.

"Shut up, and let go." Alec says, then smirks.

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