Nurse Calls

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"About time." I hear someone growl. My eyes slowly open and I turn away from the bright lights.

"Is she waking up?" Someone asks.

"Yeah, finally." I hear next to me. I open my eyes weakly and turn to my left and see Charlie and Alec looking down at me.

"What happened?" I ask, more like croak. They both breathe a sigh of relief, stress leaving their bodies. I fully take in my surroundings, from the tacky blue curtain to the square bed I am laying in. I see a huge machine next to me that beeps every other second and finally it was the tubes in wrist that made my eyes widen. I'm in the hospital. The beeps from the machine start to sound off louder as my hear beats escalates with fear. I don't care what happened to me, now I'm a sitting duck in a hospital where they can identify me. Phil and Diana must be on their way to collect me.

"That's not a good sign. I'll go get the nurse." Charlie says and walks off with a sweep of the curtains.

"Calm down." Alec says lowly. "Don't worry, they still don't know who you are. And I didn't say anything." Alec states and I feel tears prickle my eyes but I blink them away.

"Thank you, Alec." I breathe, giving him a weak grin. His eyes brighten and he runs his hands through his hair and lets his head fall back. "I've never been so scared in my life." Alec admits in a frustrated groan as he rubs his hands over his face.

"You had an asthma attack." Alec states, sitting back again and looking at me. His eyes are hard and full of anger and I see him grip the side of his head so tight that he might pull out hair.

"And it's all my fault, cause I kept smoking in your face." He snarls.

"N-no." I say but he glares at me. "Phil and Diana never took me to a doctor so I never found out till now." I say quietly.

"And? Fuck them but tonight is all on me!" He hisses and my heart squeezes. Alec grabs my hand and clutches it so tightly my knuckles turn white but I don't say anything.

"You could have died." Alec says. "B-but I didn't, because you were there." I clarify and he rolls his eyes. "They are right, second hand smoking is worse." He mumbles.

"I'm officially quitting smoking." Alec announces and my eyes widen in shock. I pull at his hand and make him come forward and hug him.

"Alec, please don't make me the reason you change. You can stay the way you are." I say into his hair. "I like you the way you are." I add.

"Will you really blame yourself if I quit smoking?" Alec asks, looking at me and I nod. "But it's good if I quit. I will live longer." Alec says and a smile instantly rises to my cheeks.

"Do what ever you want." I say and he nods. "I always do." Alec says with a crocked grin.

"Alright, what is the problem?" Alec and I jump apart when a nurse comes in and gives us a questioningly look.

"The machine was beeping really fast." Charlie says, following after her.

"Well it isn't anymore." The nurse says. "I guess I calmed her down." Alec says with a smirk which makes both of them roll their eyes.

"So Sweetie? As they keep calling you?" The nurse says and I nod feeling nerves slowly bunch up inside.

"You had an asthma attack." The nurse states and I nod. She hands me a weird little red device. "That's your inhaler, you must carry that with you at all times." The nurse instructs.

"You're going to put it to your mouth and hit the button when you can't breathe and the steroids will open your lungs up again, just keep breathing. Oh, and ignore the metallic taste after." The nurse explains.

"Can she go home now?" Charlie asks and the nurse nods. Charlie and Alec exchange a look of relief as the nurse unplugs me from the weird machines.


I lay awake in my room, for some reason. I can't sleep, maybe it is the new fact that I can die from random asthma attacks. Or maybe it is Charlie and Alec. I have never seen anybody so worried about me before. I can see their panic expression, or their tired expressions with relief when I close my eyes. I let out a sigh and stand up, feeling Alec's T-shirt pools over my legs. He let me keep his shirt so I could have something to sleep in at night besides a tank top and jeans in this hot weather. I grab my inhaler and open the window and crawl out. I ignore the metal digging uncomfortably into the bottom of my bare feet and knock on Alec's family room window.

The entire apartment is dark and empty but a figure walks through the darkness. As it nears I notice it is Alec, with messy hair, no piercings and just a bare of boxers on his waist. When Alec opens the window my entire face is red.

"Hey." He says, leaning out of the window. "Hey." I replay back trying hard not to look at his bare stomach.

"I-I couldn't sleep." I admit and he nods and moves out of the way.

"Come on in." Alec says and I slide through. The window shuts behind me and Alec looks to me and I can see his eyes shamelessly looking over my body. I blush and tug the T-shirt lower and he puts an arm my shoulders and pulls me into his slide. I rest my head on his shoulder as he guides me to his room. I nearly close my eyes in bliss and risk walking into something when Alec rubs soothing circles in my shoulder.

We enter a room and it is to dark to make anything out. Alec steps onto the bed and walks across it, dragging the sheets along. Then he drops down and I clumsy fall next to him. It is quiet for a moment, besides the beating of my heart and I fear that he can hear it. Crisp sheets are dragged over me and I flinch.

"Don't worry, nothing bad is gonna happen when I am around." Alec says and I rest my head. It is quiet and all I want to do is reach out and hug him but I fight the urge.

"Rose." I hear quietly besides me.

"Yeah?" I ask into the dark. "Nothing, I just like saying it." Alec says and I faintly see his white teeth grinning in the dark.

"Rose?" He asks this time. "Yeah?" I ask again.

"You wanna spoon?" He asks and my face scrunches up. "Like to eat with?" I ask and I see his grin go bigger.

"No, let me show you." Alec says and I feel his hands at my waist. "Turn around" He instructs and turn my back to him. He pulls me across the bed until I am flush against him. Back to chest, legs tangle up and my bum on his groin. My heart is up my throat and my face is probably so red he can see it. But I don't pull away because I like this to much. Alec throws an arm over me and nuzzles his face into the neck and I feel my knees go weak.

"This is spooning." He says and his hot breath fans over my neck making goosebumps rise.

"O-oh." Is I can squeak out. "Do you like it?" He asks making my heart pound harder. I grab his hand and web my fingers through his.

"Yeah." I admit. I really like this position, but that doesn't mean I will get much sleep in it.

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