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Request by:Solangelo0potterhead

Logan's POV

I was sitting at my desk in my room thinking. You see for the past couple of months I have been experiencing icky complicated human emotions and I have been trying to understand them, but lately I haven't had any leads as to what they are and I have been looking for answers to solve my problem but I seem to be failing for I have not come up with a reasonable explanation for them. I do have a theory but it is merely a theory.

Of course I had thought about going to Patton for better understanding seeing as he is the 'heart' but that is the problem. The things I am.........uh... experiencing  are toured him. So now that I am at a lose of to do I am mentally debating on weather I should go to him or if I should not.

I make the decision and make my way to Patton's room.

Patton's POV

I was watching cute dog videos when I heard a knock at my door. So I turned off my phone and walked to the door and open it. When I open the door I was greeted by Logan.

"Hi Logan! What do ya' need?" I ask

"My I come in?" He asks. I move out of the way and gesture for him to come in. He then walks in and sits on my bed. I sit next to him and say

"So what's up?" He says

"Lately I have been experiencing some emotions." I nod to let him know that I'm listening.

"And I thought that maybe you could help me try to understand them?" I then say

"Ok! So first I want you to tell me how these emotions make you feel." He nods and starts decribing them.

"So these emotions make me stutter. They cause me to feel a fluttery sensation where I am around a sertain person. My face seems to get hotter as well. I can never think strait whenever I am around them and constantly think about them when they are gone." I blink and feel jelousy  start to fill my body. Before I do anything I ask

"And um who is this person?" I try hard not to let him see that I am jealous. He then says

"Well it is you. "I blink and feel all the jelousy turn into joy. Then I tell Logan

"Logan that is called a crush. A crush is when you feel romantic attractions for another person." I see his face turn red and he started to stutter

"W-Well...I-um...I-uh....um I-I have to go." He then gets up and runs out of my room. I follow him to his room and when I got there he closed the door and locked it.

I tried knocking on his door but he wouldn't answer. So I tried talking to him threw the door.

"LOGAN PLEASE COME OUT!" I shout threw the door. He shouts back




"BUT I LOVE YOU!" I realized what I said and slap my hand over my mouth. I then hear the door unlock and see it open to revel a teary eyed Logan then  I hear him say

"You what?"

I pull my hand away from my mouth and say

"I said I love you logan..." After I said that I felt a soft pair of lips touch mine. My eyes widen in shock then I realized what was happening and kissed back putting my arms around his neck.

We pull away cause we both needed air and looked each other in the eyes then we hear two gasps. We turn to see both Roman and Virgil. Me and Logan blush but look each other in the eyes again and Logan says

"Patton, will you be my boyfriend?"

I giggle a bit and say

"Of course Logan."

We kiss one more time and hear the flash of a camera and a high pitched squeal. We turn to face Roman fanboying and Virgil taking pictures. From the corner of my eye I see Logan roll his eyes. The rest of the day was spent cuddling and watching Disney movies in our onsies.

Hope you like this chapter I know it took a while to come out but here it is and just so you guys know I will try to update more often. Request are still open for anyone that wants to request but anyways take it easy Guys. Gals. And non-binary pals. PEACE OUT!!!

Logicality One-shots Continued (requests are open :))Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt