Ep.5: Soos and The Real Girl

Start from the beginning

You: Soos is acting... weird. I mean, weirder than usual... *point at Soos*

Soos: *pops up from his hiding spot creepily* Your face is good!!! I'm a Soos!!!

Woman: *runs out screaming in terror*

You: See what I mean?

You and Dipper: *walk over to Soos*

Dipper: Soos? What was that all about?

Soos: I-... I think that was flirting...? But I'm not sure...

You and Dipper: *look at each other in confusion*

Mabel: *pops out of the barrel behind you* Did someone say flirting?!?

You: Why though? I've never seen you trying to flirt with people.

Soos: Well, I sorta promised my grandma I'd get a date by the end of the week, but I've never actually been on a date before! *takes the Out of Order sign from the nearby vending machine snd puts it on him* You belong on me, Out Of Order sign... *sigh*

Mabel: Finally, my prayers for a chance to matchmake this summer have been answered!!!

Stan: Soos, a little advice: You need to get rich!!! Or lie about being rich!!! Outside of that I don't like your chances.

You: *roll your eyes* Ignore him, Soos. Girls don't care about how much money you have, they care about how you are on the inside!

Dipper: Soos, you help us so much that it's time we help you, dude! We're gonna get you that date!

Mabel: We're taking you where romance lives and fashion styles die.

~time skip to mall~

Mabel: To the mall!!!!!

Stan: I'm gonna go find a replacement for old Goldie, babysit Soos while I'm gone. *leaves*

Mabel: *looks around* Alright, Soos, are you ready to explode the charm bomb on these poor unsuspecting ladies?!?

You: *whisper* That sounds kinda creepy...

Dipper: *nods slightly*

Soos: Uh, but what if I embarrass myself again?!?

You: Don't worry, Soos, we'll be with you every step of the way!

Mabel: Besides, you can't be any worse at this than Dipper!

Dipper: Yeah! Wait, wha...?

You: *hold a laugh*

Mabel: *blows a whistle* And... FLIRT!!!

The three of us spend hours helping Soos try and flirt with women, but no matter what he tried nothing seemed to work. It was actually pretty sad, I felt bad for him. We were sitting down in front of the Beebly Blop's video game store.

Mabel: *opens a little ball from the surprise machine* Don't worry, Soos, you'll find the right girl!!! You just need to *shows him the green sticky hand* stick with it!!! *laughs*

Soos: *sigh* Could this day get any worse...? *sees a man and woman walking through the mall* Oh no, cousin Reggie!!!! He can't see me like this!!! I gotta hide!!! *runs inside the video game store*

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