Ending The Mirage

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Present Day

Thalia's POV

It had finally happened. After years of suspicion, anxiety, and endless speculation, Kronos had finally emerged to storm Olympus. The gods had scattered. They had no choice. His attack was sudden and they were not prepared.

Rain dropped in heavy sheets and wind whipped across the streets. Hermes had sent a broadcast as far as anyone could hear. He was following the Titan lord, a dangerous move on his part, but Kronos was making his way towards New Rome with a violent fervor.

By now, everyone knew what was occurring and just like all those years ago people began to disappear underground. The network of tunnels had been reworked to support everyone in time of a crisis and they would serve their purpose once more.

But as much as I loved running I couldn't keep up. The cold water and the wind was making it difficult for both my arm and leg to function properly. The metal work, though expertly done by Leo, could only withstand weather so well. The joints kept catching at involuntary moments making the simple movement of running awkward and painful.

"Fuck." The curse slipped out on accident. I'd been trying to hide the struggle but Reyna skidded to a halt in an instant.

"What is it?" With an irritated hand she wiped the rain from her face. Reyna's brows creased in worry but her eyes flicked about nervously.

"Nothing. I can fix it." But I wasn't so sure. Stooping down I attempted to pull up my pant leg but the rain soaked fabric was being difficult. With an irritated tug it slid up the slick metal to expose the carefully designed segment functioning as a knee.

"Shit." A look of realization passed across Reyna's face. "I should have known."


"It's no different than Hylla's hand. The joints have a natural lubricant that lets them move but exposure to too many elements can wash it away." Reyna knelt despite the puddle pooling in the road to examine the structure. "It happened to her in Florida. Her hand ceased up. It wouldn't move."

"Will you be okay?" Reyna worried.The logic behind the problem made sense but it wasn't any less frustrating.

"I can make it to the tunnels," I insisted.

"Thals, if you keep trying to make it work you'll damage things more." Reyna hesitantly adjusted my pant leg so that it covered my leg once more.

"We have a Titan Lord on the loose. I don't have much of a choice." With a set jaw and a grunt of pain I pushed back up to a standing position; my leg was unhappy. "He may find us hiding but it'll be a lot easier if we aren't sitting like ducks. I'm making it to the tunnels."

"Alright," Reyna nodded, and in an instant shifted to my side. Her arm hooked around me in an attempt to help support some of my weight.
— — —
Reyna dropped into the tunnel first before helping me down. Both of us knew the impact could very well have ruined my leg had I dropped down on my own.

With a grunt, she pulled the manhole cover back into place. When the slab of metal settled in place the newly installed lights turned on in the tunnel. "Not much farther."

"I know," I sighed. Catching my breath, I leaned even more on her for support. It was slow going but the lights guided our path towards the main chamber.

The closer we got the more I picked up on other voices. Many of the  civilians would have followed the green lit paths- which lead to exits from camp- and places to stay for the time being.

As soon as we crossed the threshold of the main chamber Reyna helped ease me to lean against the wall. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm alive so that counts," I quipped.

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