Chapter 10 - Trial and Error

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Chapter 10 – Trial and Error

I fidgeted in my seat, sure I wasn’t one to let stuff get to me but sitting in the courtroom surrounded by people simply just staring at you was a little unsettling. This was the second day of trial for the Devil himself Damon Link, the first day when ever asked something he would simply deny it either saying was a lie or rumor. Quiet whispers drifted around the courtroom only making me feel worse, were they whispering about me? What if they didn’t believe me? What if Link was let free? No doubt he would come after me, he was a very powerful man. A feeling of dread took residence in the pit of my stomach suddenly making me feel sick, what about my family? To say Dad was pissed when I told him what I did on the weekend was an understatement, he dropped everything at work and left to come and see me. He was at first very upset for doing something so reckless but he knew I could handle myself, although it was quite amusing watching him the first time he met Regan. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts the Judge banged his hammer loudly calling the courtroom to order, the room became so silent that you could hear a pin drop. The judge cleared his throat loudly before introducing the case; “Court is back in session, we are gathered today for case number 376582. Damon Link the charges set against you include theft, breaking and entering, murder, attempted murder, possession of drugs with intention of distribution, extortion…” The judge’s loud and clear voice wafted through the courtroom listing the countless crimes Link was being charged with, tuning out his voice I stared at the desk until I was snapped out of my daze when I felt eyes on me. My eyes flicked up and I caught the last of what the judge was saying, “witness, Maxine Sterling is called to the stand” I winced slightly at my full name being used and rose from my seat. I took a shaky breath and put on a confident mask, stepping up in front of the judge I placed my hand on the Bible being held in front of me and repeated the oath.

The seat of the witness stand was stiff and cold almost making me shiver, straightening out my white blouse and grey pencil skirt I waited for the questions to begin.

Mr Kramer, the lawyer fighting against Damon Link stood straightening his tie, “Thank you your Honor, now please state you name and the matter in which you came to know Mr Link for records sakes” He gave me an encouraging smile and I nodded clearing my throat forcing the words to come out

“My name is Max Sterling and Damon Link killed my mother after she saved his life as well as threatened me and also told me he planned to introduce another drug into society” a couple of gasps rang through the courtroom at my admission making the judge call for order, the whispered had stopped allowing the lawyer to continue.

“Thank you Miss Sterling, I understand this may be hard but would you please recount the day this happened?” I knew I would have to do this so I took in a deep breath; I met my dad’s gaze through the sea of eyes staring at me expectantly. I had told him about mum when he arrived asking questions as to why my apartment was in ashes but I hadn’t given him all the details. Offering me a weak smile I noticed the person he was sitting next too, Regan sat next to my father in a grey suit that was the same colour as my skirt, April had loved it making comments about how we matched. Snapping out of my daze began my story.

“Okay, so about two years ago on January 18th I was in the car with my mother on the way home from the hairdressers and our cars collided, the air bags went off and I hit my head on the passenger side window which knocked me out for about a minute.

When I came too my mother was checking me for injuries, I had a couple of cuts and bruises from broken glass and a nasty bump on my head. Mum was fine though, her air bag had saved her – like me she only had a couple of scrapes and cuts from the broken windshield. We could hear the sirens in the background so my mum told me to stay in the car. My mother because she was paramedic got out off the car to see if the other driver was okay” I paused for a moment to catch my breath, “I watched as she pulled a limp body from the car that had crashed into us, it was a man, at that point I couldn’t see who it was. He wasn’t breathing so my mother performed CPR. She saved him. Within a minute he was awake and breathing normally, I heard my mother ask and see if he was okay. I could barely hear them over the sound of the sirens getting closer. Next thing I know is he jumps up and starts yelling at my mother saying that she shouldn’t have seen his face and then-” I cut myself off before a sob could squeeze through my throat

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