Chapter 6 - I'm Not Short, I'm Fun Sized

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Chapter 6 – I’m Not Short, I’m Fun Sized

I’d mumbled out my statement without even thinking of who I was in the room with, a few people look vaguely familiar – I’d remembered seeing them on the covers of various scientific magazines. Gulping slightly I studied their reactions, Mack, pantsuit lady and Regan seemed to have entered the room after me; their expressions shifted between a mix of awe, shock and amusement. Their eyes kept flickering to the group of scientist watching me closely until one of them stepped forward; he looked angered and slightly upset. His dark hair was slicked back with gel and a pair of thin silver rimmed glasses were perched on the end of his nose, he peered down at me through them, “Listen shorty,” he paused straightening his shoulders to appear taller, when in reality he was only about a head taller than me, “We don’t need some blue headed nut prancing into our lab and messing with our work” he muttered sticking his nose into the air making his glasses slid back up his nose a bit

I took a step back from his sudden outburst, I blinked a couple of times to shake away my surprise and I frowned at him, “Dude relax. I’m not trying to show you up or anything or to trespass on your ‘territory’” I paused to quote ‘territory’ with my hands, “Mason pulled the same trick of leaving out variables the other day in class, all I was doing was helping you guys out, gosh…” I let out a loud breath

Shrugging I walked over to the door where pantsuit lady, Mack and Regan were still standing, brushing past them I stopped in the doorway and looked over my shoulder at the snobby guy that had addressed me, “And for the record, I’m not short – I’m fun size” I replied in a sarcastic tone, I sent a wink at Regan and disappeared out the door just in time to hear Mack and Regan share a quiet laugh

Smiling slightly to myself the guys followed me out of the room; Mack told the pantsuit lady that he’d sort everything out with how I was going to get home. Without talking we exited the building and slipped into the same car we arrived in.

“So…” Mack started off breaking the silence as we pulled onto the main road and into traffic

“Well that was certainly eventful…” Regan cut in running his hand through his hair

“Yeah you can say that again…” I added looking out the window

“Hey did you see the scientist dude’s face when you talked back to him? Priceless” Mack laughed out

Regan and I looked at each other until our laughs mixed with Mack’s, the rest of the ride back to my apartment was spent with us joking around and just chatting about random stuff. When we pulled up in front of the apartment I was about to get out when I realized something, turning slightly I spoke to Regan, “Hey you didn’t end up meeting Zeus, I bet he’ll love you,” I beamed at him

Laughing lightly he nodded, “Yeah sure, I’ll catch a ride back to the college with you to pick up my car later?” He asked looking at me hopefully; no doubt he would want to drive again

I nodded and he turned to Mack, “I see you later man, drive safely” he patted him on the shoulder before sliding out of the car after me, after the door closed Mack gave us one last wave before driving off and disappearing over the hill.

Looking up at the window to my apartment a light flashed past, “Hey what was that?” Regan asked pointing to the flash I saw, shrugging I thought nothing of it, “Zeus probably knocked over the lamp again. Come on, let’s go meet him!” I beamed at him and pulled him into the building and up the stairs

When we reached my floor the hallway smelt slightly of smoke and you could see a gold glow coming from under the door to my apartment, I dropped Regan’s hand and ran to the door finding it had been kicked open. I pushed open the door and a wave of heat hit my face, my apartment was alight, the flames had crawled along my kitchen and through out my apartment. Frantically I looked around the apartment calling out Zeus’s name, amongst the creaking of burning wood I heard a whimper coming from my room.

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