chapter one

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The light hit my eyes, as I turned over in bed and groaned lightly. I turned over in bed two more times before huffing and getting up. I go to bathroom and wash my mouth, comb/flat iron my cherry red hair that now touched the middle of my back. I smile at the mirror before walking out and getting dress. Tossing on my ripped jeans and my “my chemical romance” band tee. I head out the house with my guitar.

Strolling down the street. I check my phone 6:30am, Carrie and Alex were still at home, sleeping those lazy buttholes. I walked, bobbing and humming, sometimes singing the words to “happily ever after” by he is we, when my felt myself get push slightly back by an unknown forced.

“Shit, watch where you’re going” I muttered, pulling my earphones out my ear and checking my guitar to see if the person had done any damage to her. Nothing good, that punk got lucky. I look up to start bitching at the guy when I come to face to man about 6 ft 2, also checking his guitar.

“Heh, you didn’t cause any damage to her. You got lucky.” The sound of his deep voice, cause me to freeze for a moment, but I don’t let it show.

Glaring fierily. I hissed at him. “I can say the same to you”

“You know, you almost scared me.” 

“What…ever” I muttered sourly, as I walked away and continued my route to the local park. “Thank god, I never have to see that butthole ever again, the nerves of some people. FUCK.”  I thought to myself, as sat on my favorite bench and pulled hope out her case and begin to play the chords “happily ever after” by he is we. 

As I played, I got a little lost and be singing along to chords, I was an okay singer,

“Oh, happily ever after, wouldn’t you know, wouldn’t you know.” I play a little louder.
“Oh, skip to the ending, who’d like to know, I’d like to know.” People walking by drop money and some stay to hear me sing.
“Author of the moment, can you tell me, do I end up, do I end up happy?” I close my eyes and sing like no one is listening to me.

“We all have a story to tell.” I stop playing and people clap, I blush lightly and continue counting to play a couple of more song, with the rude stranger on my mind.  In the middle of my fifth or sixth song I think, I got a call.

I pick it up, already knowing it was Carrie. It was a daily thing,

“Hey, I’m on my way home now.”   I said as I put hope in her case and hung up. I packed all my stuff and started back home, with the biggest smile ever.

“I’m telling you Carrie, this guy was an asshole.”

“Sounds like you were really into your music” she said to me as I explained what happened between me and the guy. I sighing pulling my hair out of my face. Alex laughed as he ate his food, he got closer to us.

“What did he look like?” he asked, Carrie got closer to me and smirked.

“What did he look like?” she asked. I sat up for moment, trying to recall what that idiot looked like.

“Well…” I started, leaning closer to her. “He was dark, tall-“

“How tall” I stared at Carrie for a moment before shaking my head.

“He was about 6 ft. tall probably a little more, I don’t really know-“

“He towered over you and you actually talked back to him, I mean like you’re tiny and he’s a giant, like really-“

“Carrie, shut the fuck up.”

“I’ll be quiet now.”

“thanks.” Alex sniggered but said nothing. He knew better. I shook my head again and sighed.

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