chapter five

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After twenty more minutes of zoning out and not paying any mind to what they were saying. I walked over to my room. Grabbed my guitar, sat on my bed and began to lazily play the cords to ‘big girls don’t cry’. As I got onto the song. I played a little higher. It’s not like they could heard me the walls were soundproof. As I came to end I switch off to a random sleeping with sirens song. After that I stop and stare at my guitar for the answers to life, while I waited for jace to leave. Yes, I was being a bit kiddish about this but I didn’t care. Nothing good ever came from dating just heartbreak. I tossed and turned in my bed, singing softly to the lyrics to bleeding love with my hair covering my eyes. I was utterly bored and it’s only been ten minutes. God. This was annoying. I got up into my study, when I got there, jace was sitting at the desk. Holding my spider in case in glass with love writing inside of the glass. We locked eyes for a moment before he smirked. 

“I love spiders.” I started at him like he was the seconding coming of a god before shaking my head. 

“I don’t. They are fucking scary.” His eyes fall on the spider as if questioning it. So I felt the need to answer him,

“It’s like a spider venom after you get bitten. It courses through your veins taking over till you’re left with nothing but the shell of what you were. Thoses who were opened hearted and warm. Cold and closed off they become. And those who were cold, well they just get colder.”  I said while taking that spider from his hands and facing him. “You probably wouldn’t understand…” I looked at the window. He got up and walked to the door. 

“I probably do, a lot more than you.” I sat at my desk and ignored him turning on the computer and checking my email. I sighed, that was an ass moment but honestly it’s the way I thought. I didn’t want to deal with that or anything for that matter. I looked at the window til I heard a knock on our front door. I got up and when to living room to check who it was and there stood…Katie…Carrie. Whatever the fuck her name was. She storm in. her tiny figure making her look like a dwarf hamster about to attack a finger. She pushed me on to the wall and I let her because I knew I could harm her if wasn’t careful about it. I gritted my teeth and growled softly. 

“you been ignoring me,gen…why?”

“listen this isn’t the time, just go…” I muttered softly. As she let go. I walked to the door and she left. 

“wheres carrie and alex?”I asked as jace stood there with annoyed expression.

“At the stores, you just because you’re gay and the “man” doesn’t mean you have to take that.” 

“…I’m not gay…I’m bisexual… I just don’t wanna hurt her okay?” I said to him, walking back to my work room before  i could reach it, he grabbed my hand.

“You’re a person. Just walk away from her.” I looked at him for a second and nodded. I knew he was right I couldn’t kept doing this. I had a somewhat sable life and she wasn’t going to help me with that shit so it was time that I let her go. she was starting to bore me anyway. I just wanted to disappear for a little while, maybe it was time for trip. I could make do with one. Or maybe a tattoo… I went back to my work room and jace followed. I looked at him with a confused look until he finally answered me.

“Everyone’s gone.” Right. So I was stuck with jace til they came back…fun.

love? yeah right.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant