chapter seven

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Love has always been this glass ball

I ran out my room and suddenly found myself in the woods, I looked around, confused.

That could be put back together but everything that happened,

I didn't know where to run, taking deep breath, I ran. I didn't know where I was going and I didn't care.

The pieces got harder and harder to put back,

I fell on knees, grabbing my chest as my hurt began to feel like it was filling with water.

Each time it was broken.

I felt my shirt get really warm and wet, I removed my hands from chest and saw that my hands cuts all over and I bleeding.

But I feared this ball. Well love that is. I was always so scared of falling or being inlove.

I began to panic, what the hell is going. I looked around, as I did the woods began to melt away and I was in black room with a large mirror. I walked over to it. I saw myself as in teen in it, I had dark her hair and black tips, bangs too. The pain in chest began to get stronger, I fell on my knees as teen me did the same.

I had seen what it did to my friends. My family.

I looked up and the person who I am and the person who I used to be me met eyes. my eyes widen as looked at her, she, me as teen. I was so broken, so wrapped in writing that missed out but everything I let some on in, they broke me one way or the other. I watched her pick of the shards of what I guess was something she cared about.

I mean for fuck sake I was too scared to get so close to family member because even that can cause you pain.

I watched as the glass slowly started turning red and I started at her and put my hand on the glass, I leaned my head against the glass, tears left and steep down my face. I let them fall for the first time in a while, I allowed myself to be weak, to cry.

When I did fall, I learned that nothing was worse than broken heart.

I stopped after a couple seconds and I got up and began to walk away from the mirror.

Well maybe just maybe getting hit by a car.

"Wait" I heard teen me call out. I froze in my spot and waited for a second. "don't forget, don't forget me. Please. I'm proud of you"

"I won't"

I remember when showing love for me was was a pat on the back.

I couldn't even tell someone I liked them with gagging it was really bad.

I remember people telling me was heartless and cruel.

But it didn't mean that it kept them far away.

I wasn't alone. I just didn't care for other people, rather I was scared of them.

You see loves comes in many forms, shapes and depth.

But matter what form, shape or depth it was. The outcome was always the same you get hurt and the

Pain it's the same. And depending on what happens, two things can occur with this:

You move on and get a move a with your life and that's when you get ready to dive in again and get

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Dec 19, 2014 ⏰

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