Part II Chapter 4: Hologram Deadlox (EJM Budder Edition Part 1)

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Characters: SkythekidRS, MinecraftUniverse, Deadlox

A/N: all of these stories from now on will be written in third person.

Video : Epic Jump Map Budder Edition


"So this is Minecraft Central, huh?" Fifteen-year-old Jason asked, looking up at the huge building looming up in front of him.

"Yeah," Sixteen-year-old Adam nodded, grabbing his friend by the arm. "Let's go, let's go!"

"Easy on the arm, dude!" Jason whined as Adam pulled him towards the long lines of people waiting to play.

"What time is Ty getting here?" Adam shouted above the commotion.

"Dunno, he should be here soon though," Jason replied.

"Let's wait for him," Adam said, and Jason nodded.


"Is there a person named SkythekidRS or TrueMU here?" a voice said over the intercom an hour later. "If so, please come to the admin's office in the front of the building."

Adam had fallen asleep on Jason, and abruptly woke up at the announcement. "Jason, I'm startled," he mumbled sleepily.

"Let's go," Jason replied, already headed towards the admin's office.

They got to the front of the huge building and stood in front of a sign that said Admin's Office.

"Are you Skythekid - " the admin began to say, and Adam nodded.

"Yeah, yeah, what do you want from me?" Adam asked.

"Read this," the admin said, holding out a sheet of torn paper.

Gi_e _his to SkythekidRS or TrueMU. They'__ be at Min_c__ft Central. I don't th_nk I'_l be there today. I'm writing this in the dark, hiding from s___ds. Please, if either of you reads this, help. Right now, I'm at the ea__ end of the Edenton S___p, in a little hut.

They're getting cl___r, Adam and Jason.


Save me, before it's to_ late.

~Ty (Dead\

Some of the letters were smeared by what looked like water, and Adam couldn't read them. But there was enough there to decipher most of the message.

"Look at the end," Jason said, pointing at Dead\. "It looks like he was trying to finish his signature, but he got interrupted."

"So he's been..." Adam said slowly.

Jason and Adam looked at each other for a few seconds.


"Thanks," Jason told the admin, stuffing the note into his spacesuit. "We'll be on our way."

"Wait!" the unnamed admin called after them. "Shouldn't you call, like backup or something?"

"Trust me, we don't need to," Adam called over his shoulder. "We already have food. Jason and I have been through much worse than you think."

With that, Jason and Adam took off running towards the east, where Ty was in danger.


"It's almost nighttime," Jason pointed out as the sun set behind him. "Shouldn't we go in a cave?"

"Yeah," Adam nodded, stopping to catch his breath.

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