Part II Chapter 1: The Sorcerer

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A/N: Sorry this took me so long to update! But these next few chapters will be about some of the side characters in Torn Apart who aren't members of Team Crafted, like Seto (setosorcerer), Taylor (AntVenom), Jordan (CaptainSparklez), Ryan (xRpMx13), and other people that will be part of the story eventually, like Mat (NoochM), Preston (TBNRfrags), Rob (Woofless), Tyler (Logdotzip), (the other) Tyler (MunchingBrotato), and other people like that. I really like coming up with backstories and personalities for these Youtubers and these stories. So yeah, enjoy!

Seto's POV

You know who I am, right? Yeah, probably. Ty never shuts up about me sometimes.

My name's Seto. Just Seto. I don't remember if I ever had a real last name. Well, I do now, but I took on the name of the family that adopted me.

Why am I adopted? I'm getting there.

I was born and raised in a colony under the Arizonian Desert. A sorcerers' colony. I lived there for the first three years of my life. My parents were both sorcerers, so I became one too. I don't remember if I had any friends there. Well, actually, scratch that. I remember one girl. Her name was Arcana, and our parents were friends, but that's all I remember about her. We lived in the cave systems, deep underground, that were nearly impossible to find the entrances to unless you looked in the right places.

For the first three years of my life, I never saw the sun once. The only sources of light we had in the caves were torches, and the balls of fire that sorcerers created.

Why did we live underground, you may ask? Well, people hated sorcerers, everywhere you went in the Kingdom. Well, actually, the Royals did. They knew we were much more powerful than them, and we could storm the Royal Valley and kill them all in one go, if all the sorcerers in Skylight tried. So the Royals gave the order that all sorcerers were to be arrested on sight and brought in for trial. But we all knew what that meant. The trial always ended with execution. And since the Royals hated us, the rest of the Kingdom began to hate us as well. We were the outcasts of the Kingdom. So we hid in the caves.

Anyway, back to the story.

When I was three years old, someone found the surface entrance to our cave system. They returned a few days later with an army of Knights, an army that we weren't prepared to fight. They killed everyone, including my parents. I was captured by the Knights, along with the other children of the colony. I remember being the youngest survivor; the oldest captured kid was maybe about ten or eleven.

They took us with them in their journey back to the Royal Hills. They promised that we would have good homes, and I believed them. But I was the youngest - and most annoying - child, so the Knights abandoned me halfway through the Desert. They said I wasn't gonna grow into anything, that I'm not a threat.

Boy, how wrong they were.

I was a three-year old kid in the middle of the desert, and the sun was setting soon. So I summoned a ball of fire like I'd seen my parents do, dug a hole, and stayed underneath the ground for the night. I was safe.

But I was scared to death. What was I going to do in the morning? I didn't know where anything was on the surface.

I got up early the next morning, and mobs seemed to stay away from me when I had the purple flames floating above my hands. Huh. Strange. I began to wander. Luckily, I came to a little village, near the border to the Plains. I mean, you could just see the beginnings of the grass in the distance, maybe about 2-3 chunks away. And that's if you had good eyesight. Which I did.

I walked into the village, and of course, immediately I got noticed. The families looked at me, and they had a town council meeting to decide what to do with me.

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