Part II Chapter 2 : Saturday Smash!

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A/N: All of this part will be written in 3rd person. Just thought you'd want to know.

Characters: SkythekidRS (Adam), MinecraftUniverse (Jason), Deadlox (Ty), SethBling (Seth)


Fourteen-year-old Adam, eleven-year-old Ty, and thirteen-year-old Jason ran into the Super Craft Bros. lobby. They were all excited to try the brand-new minigame.

"Um... how do you play this game again?" Jason asked. Ty and Adam laughed.

"We haven't played this game yet either. Calm down, dude." Ty said, looking at each of the different Portals.

"C'mon, guys, let's try this one!" Adam called out, grabbing his friends' arms and dragging them through a random Portal.

When they opened their eyes, they were in what looked like a lobby. There were signs that had names of mobs on them. Jason, Ty, and Adam looked around, confused.

Another boy spawned in next to them. He looked about fifteen years old. He wore a cap, blue overalls, and a red t-shirt.

"Are you guys new?" he asked.

Jason nodded. The other two were still too busy staring at everything around them.

The boy extended his hand to Jason. "The name's Seth. I'm actually one of the game's creators." When he saw the shocked look on Jason's face, he grinned. "Crazy, huh? And I'm only fifteen!"

"That's great," Adam muttered. He seemed to have regained his ability to speak. "Can you teach us?"

Seth nodded. "Sure. Why not? And I'll go easy on you. I've been playing this game ever since it was created. I'll stop the countdown timer so I can explain this-" he waved his hand in a circle - " - to you." Seth walked over to a hidden panel in the wall and flicked a lever.

"Okay," Seth said. "Here are the basic classes." He walked over to the biggest wall in the room. "You can be any mob you want. All you have to do is touch the sign with the mob you want. And these are the only classes avaliable at the beginning." He gestured at the other two boards. "This one," he said, pointing to the small one to the right of the main board," has all the Gem Classes. You can get Gems by winning games, and you use those Gems to unlock the classes. For example, Wither Skeleton, Witch, Chicken, and TNT. And that one," he said, pointing across the room, "has the VIP classes, like ButterGolem, and IronGolem." (A/N: I've never played Super Craft Bros. before. I've only ever seen my brother play it. And SSundee, of course.)

"Sounds complicated," Ty muttered.

"It really isn't." Seth smiled. "What classes will you choose?"

The three boys stared at the signs. "I'll take this one," Ty said first, touching the sign with an eye of ender engraved into it. Below, the class name was engraved: EnderDragon.

Adam hid a smile. He knew Ty's reason for choosing EnderDragon. And if he was correct, he and Jason were both screwed.

"I'll take the Bat class," Jason said, punching the sign and going to stand with Ty.

Finally Adam sighed and picked a random class. He was ready.

"Let's go!" Seth yelled, punching a sign without looking at it. Immediately, all four boys teleported into a - stronghold?

Jason looked around, confused. Why were they in a stronghold?

"Everyone come meet up over here!" Seth's voice echoed across the open-aired map.

(A/N: You know that little open area in the bottom right corner of the map when you're facing it from the lobby? Yeah, that's where they'll be standing.)

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