Chapter 28: Scorching Hot Gossip

Start from the beginning

Liz started to guffaw, "Best prank ever!" she managed to say between two laughing fits.

"Ha, ha, ha" I said in a monotone and yanked her head first into the pool, "Look who's laughing now" I growled.

She came up, choking on water but still laughing. Boy, she sure was stubborn. She was soaked from head to toe now. At least all she had with her was a towel. I angrily turned away from her, an excuse to hide the hickeys that were placed in plain sight on my neck.

She stopped laughing, "Aw, come on, Vira! It was just a joke! Don't be angry" she pleaded, putting her hands on my shoulders and giving me a tight hug.

I turned slightly red. It's not as if I hadn't seen my diaper buddy naked plenty of times before but she was really showing off her jugs right now. I couldn't help but wonder whether or not she's used this trick on Gaara before.

"How the hell did you get in anyways?" I asked, with my back still to her.

She giggled mischievously, "I followed you then waited until you were inside before slipping the edge of my sweater between the door. It normally locks automatically when you close it so you can't get in from the outside but I left enough of a space to open it again when I was sure you were in the water" she said all this as if it were a very great achievement.

In my opinion, if used in the wrong hands, it was quite a lecherous act.

"Who are you? Alexis Rider?" I chuckled at my own little joke, even though it wasn't all that funny.

Hey, it was one of my favourite series.

Liz sighed, "Was that the best you could do?".

I shrugged, "It's not a competition".

"That doesn't change the fact that you're a horrible comedian" she said contemptuously.

"Whatever" I said, tuning out of the conversation and resting my head on my arms.

"Are you really that mad? Why won't you turn and face me? It was just a little joke...I made sure to close the door this time..." she whined.

"I'm comfortable like this" I said through gritted teeth.

From the sound of Liz's sigh, I could tell that she was pouting. It came out high and whistle-y.

She's definitely not a quitter though,"Are you just ashamed of the size of your b-"

"Liz!" I cried, "Really?".

"Hmph" she grunted, spirits slightly dampened, "Fine, stay like that" she grumbled, "Grumpy" she added under her breath.

I sighed and tried to rest again but was jerked awake by a piercing scream.

"What the hell Sasuke! Stop peeking, you pervert!" Liz screeched.

I spun around, my arms already censoring myself. My eyes flitted around, looking for the culprit. Oh, he was gonna get beat so bad, he would...

"Oh. My. God" Liz's astonished gasp sounded.

Oh, no. I just realized that I had turned around and Liz's eyes had quickly noticed the out of place hickeys on my neck.

The absolute shock on her face turned to absolute excitement, "When did this happen?!" she demanded at once.

"Ugh, Liz! What the hell!" I cried, exasperated, but I no longer tried to hide what she had clearly seen.

She chuckled, "I was pretty smart, wasn't I? Sasuke peeking is much easier to believe than Gaara" she pointed out with a grin, "While on the other hand, you weren't acting very smart. The only entrance is through the door that I closed for sure, genius".

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