Chapter 25

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(Warning: There's a brief mention of suicide in this chapter as well as explicit verbal and sexual content.)

(I know this is what y'all have been waiting for so I hope you like it. 😂)


*Michael's POV*

I kick open the door to the bedroom to make way for us to enter as we're engaged in a passionate kiss.

We knock into the dresser by the entrance, causing the vase on it to go crashing to the floor and shatter, but I don't pay any mind to it.

It's finally happening.

After 47 years, I'm finally going to have sex with someone.

And not just anyone, but with the girl I love more than anything else in the world.

We navigate towards the bed, never breaking the kiss as we do.

I can feel my heart begin to beat at a million miles a minute. I'm so incredibly nervous as well as embarrassed that we're going to see each other naked and well, do it.

Trust me, I want to, but the fear of messing up is overtaking me quite a bit. Nicole must be able to sense that in me because she pulls away from the kiss.

"Hey, are you okay?" She asks me. "You seem... tense."

I clear my throat. "Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I say before trying to lean in to kiss her again, but she dodges it.

"No you're not, what's wrong?" she asks me, looking more serious this time.

I struggle to find the right words to say.

"Do you not want to have sex with me?" she asks while distancing herself even farther away from me.

I quickly shake my head. "No, no, no! I do. I'm just... nervous... and embarrassed." I say. And that was nothing but the whole truth. I really never got used to being in sexual situations with women and now that I was about to do all that I had done and more, I was terrified.

She sighs before coming closer to me and taking my hands in hers. "You know I'm scared too right?"

I look at her almost surprised. "You are? But, you're always so confident when you come on to me and-"

She shakes her head and interrupts me. "I guess I've been lying to you too. I only do that because I thought that's what you were used to and I had to make up for making you wait for me. I mean, look at you. You're... you're so- freaking hot I can't even handle it! But we don't need to be scared of each other."

I instantly blush, but feel my heart swell at the same time. How could she think she had to act like that because she wasn't worth waiting for?

"Sweetie," I say before taking her face in my hands. "you didn't need to do that. I would've waited as long as I had to for you, even down to my last day."

I look into her eyes and notice that her eyes are watering. "Why are you so nice to me?" she asks me.

I look at her, completely confused. "What do you mean?" I ask her.

"Everyone has always been so mean to me, but you're not. You're so nice to everyone, actually. How are you so damn nice? Your Yelp review was right, I didn't believe it would be, but it was and-"

I interrupt her. "What Yelp review?" I ask her.

She sniffles and grabs her phone out of the pocket in her dress before tapping on the screen a few times.

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