Chapter 4

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*Michael's POV*

After Nicole's session was over I slumped down in my chair and had a million thoughts shooting through my mind.

God, she was perfect.

Funny, sweet and shy. We had so much in common with each other.

I was never one to believe in love at first sight, but she had changed my perspective on things?

Can you imagine? Me? A 47-year-old man, helplessly in love with an 18-year-old girl whom I have absolutely no chance with?

Its utterly tragic.

It may come to a surprise to many, but I don't have much experience with women. Though many have tried to make advances towards me, I have often rebuffed them because I'm so insecure. It's actually quite ironic that my job is to help those with issues that I can't even help myself with. Sure, I've done things with women, but I've never done the thing.

If you know what I mean.

I used to think it was because saving that for someone who was my potential wife was extremely important and I've never gotten that far in a relationship with a woman to feel that way, but as years went on, I realized I was afraid of destroying myself emotionally.

I couldn't wrap my mind around the fact that I could give myself to someone like that and it potentially mean nothing to them. Now, I may be a virgin, but make no mistake-

I am no saint.

I have desires like every other normal man, I just don't act on them. But, I knew someday the day would come when I saw a woman I ached for- and Nicole was that woman. I knew no matter what, I was going to do everything in my power to get her. I had to stop being my shy self if I actually wanted to be happy.

I'm actually going to make an effort to make that girl mine.

*Nicole's POV*

When I got home, of course, my Mom grilled me about the therapy session.

"How was it?"

"Was he nice?"

"What did you talk about?"

I replied to her questions with one-word answers.




I made my way down the hall to my room, shut the door and plopped down on my bed.

"Wow." I said to myself "Michael is really something."

I reach over and stick my hand in my purse, fishing around for my phone. When I find it, I plug it into my laptop to charge. I click on the FaceTime icon- I just had to tell my best friend Lucy all about this. When the app opens, my finger is centimeters from her name. Then I have a thought.

"Does she even care?"

I always listened to my friends' problems, but I had noticed whenever I brought up something about myself, they never really gave feedback or they would change the subject to something they found interesting.

My thumb hovers over her contact name for a few more seconds until I sigh and lock my phone.

"Who am I kidding, she doesn't care. Who does?"

I stare at the ceiling, a million thoughts entering my head all at once. I can't stop thinking about his gorgeous face. I close my eyes and his image floods back into my mind. I can't stop thinking about those beautiful, brown eyes that seem to hold the solutions to all of my life's problems. Like I said, it's inexplicable- I don't know this man, but I feel like I've known him forever? Like our souls are connected in some way, almost like we were meant to meet each other in that elevator right before that appointment. Was it divine intervention by God? I don't know. Were we meant to be together in a romantic way? I don't know the answer to that either.

But, what I did know is that this was something different than any other feeling I had before.

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