Chapter 20

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*Rick's POV* (Nicole's Father)

Christmas Day.

What used to be "the most wonderful time of the year" has now turned into an absolute bitter nightmare.

And somehow in even my worst nightmares, I never would've even imagined that my daughter could run off and do something as horrific as this.

A forty-seven year old? I mean, really?

My eighteen-year-old daughter wanting to date a forty-seven-year-old man?

Any sane person would go ballistic about this! She never cared about dating boys in high school, much less even crushing on them. I thought I had it easy with her after what happened with her sister getting married at such a young age. Looking back, I should've been more grateful because at least the guy she married was her age.

I roll over in bed to lie on my back and cover my face with my hands. A million thoughts are running through my head.

Alexandra rolls over, still half asleep. She quickly notices my state of distress.

"Hon, what's wrong?" She asks groggily while gently placing a hand on my arm.

I don't hesitate to say what's on my mind for a second.

"He's fucking our daughter, Alex." I say, completely monotone.

Her eyes instantly widen and she slaps my arm "Rick! You don't know that for sure!"

"Yes, I do. There's no other explanation for it. You saw what they were doing with each other that night in the car and you're telling me I 'don't know'? Old men pull this all the time! They tell young girls a whole load of shit just to get them to do what they want. All it takes is one 'I love you' to get them weak in the knees and into-" she interrupts me.

"Rick, enough! You obviously don't know anything about our daughter, do you? We raised her to always do what she thinks is right and if this is what she wants to do with her life, we can't control her. Are you forgetting she's eighteen?" she asks me with a raised eyebrow.

"Exactly she's only eighteen; way too young to be ruined by a prehistoric man, and an ugly one at that." I say, slightly raising my voice.

"I'm not doing this on Christmas morning." Alexandra says while getting up and putting on her robe. She quickly walks to the bedroom door and opens it.

Before exiting, she slowly turns around to face me. "You're going to give him a chance. So what if he's not what we envisioned for her? He might be a good man. And if you feel yourself slipping up, just think back to how my father hated you when we started dating."

I open my mouth to say something back, but I don't have an adequate response; Alex's father really did hate me when we first got together.

"Now, get up and make yourself presentable. Everyone's going to be here in two hours." She walks out the door and closes it behind her, not quite slamming it, but with just enough force to let me know that she means business.

*Lucy's POV* (Nicole's Best Friend)

"Come on! We're going to be late!" I hear my Mom yell at my Dad whose still fumbling to put on his fancy shoes.

She makes her way over to the car where I'm already settled in the back seat.

We've spent Christmas at the Westwood's home for as long as I can remember. My parents have been friends with them since college, so they're basically like family.

I guess that's why Nicole and I have always been close, or at least, that's what she thinks. We've basically grown up with each other and she describes me as 'the sister she wishes she had' but, I have to admit that I've always despised her.

It sucks how when whenever we go out together, everybody thinks I'm her younger, uglier sister. Back when we were in high school together, the guys I liked would always pay attention to her. Fortunately, she was way too dumb to ever notice.

I would often tell them lies about her like she slept around or had some weird medical abnormality and they would run for the hills. I kind of felt bad at first, but then I eventually did it so much I lost all feeling of remorse.

Eventually, I began to make even the guys I didn't like stray away from her. When she told me about how she liked that guy Luke from her English class, I immediately found him on Instagram that night and slid into his DMs.

We've been on and off for a few months now, but she doesn't know anything about it. He doesn't even know that she and I are 'best friends'. Although, I doubt he ever even cared to acknowledge her existence in the first place.

Now that she's finally with this Michael dude who's old as fuck, I definitely have my work cut out for me.

Her parents are apparently "coming around" and going to give him a chance; but not on my watch.

If I can't be happy, Nicole can't be either. And I'll make it my mission to destroy any shred of happiness she has.

My Dad finally gets in the car and puts the key in the ignition.

"Alright guys, are we ready to roll?" he asks my Mom and me.

"Yep." My mom replies while fastening her seatbelt. "Hey, so this Michael guy Nicole is seeing is apparently going to be joining us today; you know anything about him, Lucy?" she asks me.

I roll my eyes and sigh. "Nope." I reply.

I suppress a smirk from creeping across my face. "But, I'm hoping to find out a lot more." I think to myself.


A/N: OOF. For those of you who thought Lucy was shady, YOU WERE RIGHT. Things are only going to get more wild from here, I can promise you that LOL.

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