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I ran my hands up his torso, his skin damp under my palms. I ground my hips into his before leaning down and putting my lips to his neck.
"Naomi." He groaned, and I smiled against his neck.
"I like that." I pant, going to unhook my bra.
"Me too." He growled, swiftly grabbing me and switching positions.
I laid on my back just in time, throwing my bra off the bed.
"Are you ready?" He asked, pulling off his underwear and I nodded, going into the drawer to grab a condom.
"We just have to be quiet." I remind, whispering.
He nodded, making quick of the protection and warming me up.
I bit into my arm, trying to keep myself quiet under his touch.
Before I knew it we were back in position on, I used his chest to support me as the friction between us got intense.
His hand moved up my thigh to my torso, breast, then neck, as his huge palm covered my throat.
My eyes widened and I could feel myself about to lose it and as it neared his grip slowly tightened. I didn't understand the complete the reason he was doing this till i came to full climax. He let go as I fell to his chest in bliss.
I removed myself from his lap, and cuddled up next to him.
"I dont know what to say." I whispered breathlessly.
"Don't say anything." He assured, pulling me closer and kissing the top of my head.
With the heat of the moment, and the normal daily drama it wasn't long before his rhythm of his heart beat put me to sleep.


"Gooooooooooooood morn- oh- oh fuck." I heard Kehlani slam my door shut as I shot up into a seat position.
I rubbed my eyes, hearing her body press against the door.
"I'm so sorry, I didn't know, but I can't unsee it." She sobbed through the door and I laughed, turning over and getting up to grab a shirt.
"I'm coming." I assure and she shrieks.
"EW!" She stomped off, and I heard Marcus chuckle from my bed.
"Bad wording?" He thought aloud and I nodded.
"Maybe, huh." I looked back at him and smiled.
"Good morning, beautiful." He continued, stretching widely.
"Good morning, Marcus." I bit my lip hiding a smile. "I'm gonna go talk her off the ledge." I explained, going to walk towards the door.
"I'll be out soon." He sighed, sitting up in the bed when I left.
I rubbed the back of my neck, rolling it out seeing Kehlani pace in the kitchen.
"Good morning." I greeted and she looked back at me wide eyed.
I walked in seeing Tyus, Kehlani and Jamal looking back at me.
"I'm so sorry." Kehlani apologized, still distraught.
"I can't believe you hooked up last night." Tyus blurted and I rolled my eyes going to the coffee maker.
"I'm a big girl, Ty." I kissed my teeth, pouring a cup.
"But- here? With us all here?" Jamal squeaked.
"You guys didn't know till Keh barged in." I shrugged, not understanding the fuss.
"Ya know what, it's fine, I'm sorry for seeing Marcus'-"
"My what?" Marcus walked out, standing in the entrance way wearing his sweatpants this time, barely, but still shirtless.
Kehlanis gaze was attracted to his waist band, her eyes bulging again before looking up at him.
"Your face." She blurted.
"I'm sure." He winked, walking over to me. "I'm gonna go." He whispered into the back of my head as the kids talked amongst themselves trying hard not to listen.
"Okay, did you want a cup of coffee?" I turned around offering him mine, but he shook his head turning it down.
"No, that's fine!" He assured.
"Okay, I'll see you later."
"Yeah, later."
He walked back to my room and gathered his things as I turned around, seeing everyone looking at me.
"So." I broke the silence, my eyes darting between each of them.
"So." Jamal chirped.
"Anyways, are you guys ready for your first day?" I changed the subject seeing Kehlani and Tyus look between one another.
"Do we all work today?" Jamal asked, leaning forward on the counter.
"Yeah, I open, Tyus and Kehlani come in at 11, and you come in at 1." I went over the schedule, blowing on my coffee.
"So get ready kids." I pointed a finger at them, teasingly, going to walk to my room to shower.
I shut the door once inside, and set my coffee on the dresser.
I picked up my clothes that were scattered along the floor and threw them onto the chair by the vanity.
I made quick of getting ready showering briefly, tying my hair into a top knot before going in with make up.
The morning was going surprisingly smooth as I made my way out the door 10 minutes early.
It was a quick drive like usual and I counted the drawers quickly before going to call in our supply order.
Before I knew it I was going to unlock the door, and to my surprise as I unlocked the front door to let the employees in I saw that familiar cherry red impala.
I threw the door open seeing Tyus and Kehlani get out.
"Thank you." They both praised him walking towards me and I could see him smiling devilishly from the drivers seat before leaving the parking lot.
"Reporting for duty." Tyus joked, with a sharp salute.
"Why were you with Oscar?" I asked, ignoring him.
"He offered." Tyus pushed past me, walking inside.
"Kehlani?" I pressed for more information.
"He was driving by and asked if we wanted a ride." She explained with a shrug.
"Did he say anything?"
"Nope, just asked if we got enough rest last night after the long day at the beach." She continued, brushing it off.
"Mm." I grunted, going back to my counter.
She put her stuff away in the back and they all joined me again, the cooks already in the back, and the wait staff coming over for a quick huddle.
"Uh, good morning everyone." I greeted Getting mainly blank stares.
"Cool." I clapped my hands together, folding them in front of me. "We have two new employees that will be joining us for the next month, Tyus, Kehlani." I pressured them to introduce themselves and they did.
"With that, be kind, if they have a question, answer it, and let's do it!" I encouraged everyone and dismissed them accordingly.
I began to walk back to my office to finish the records of my order and finish our sales paperwork from yesterday.
"Hey, Mi?" Kehlani came up behind me as everyone dispersed.
"What's up?" I asked, slowing my pace to let her join me.
"So, Oscar and Marcus..." she trailed with a laugh.
"You can have them." I joked then immediately regretted. "I'm kidding, they're both too old for you." I clarified, shaking my head in disgust.
"I don't want them, they've both been inside you." She put her hands up in defense, protecting her cringe.
"True, unnecessary, but true." I admit, slightly ashamed.
"Im sorry." She pulled back and I shook my head.
"It's nothing I can't handle, Keh." I admit and she nodded.
She sat there silently for a moment then cleared her throat in preparation for what she was about to say.
"How do you handle everything so well?" She asked softly, and genuinely, hoping to receive legit advice.
"I know my truth, Kehlani." I looked at her, seeing conflict on her face. "I know what I've done and my intentions, as long as it's mine, I'm good. There's nothing that anyone can say to me that I haven't said myself, there's nothing anyone can make me feel that I haven't already overcome."
She pondered for a moment before blurting.
"I can't go to Columbia." She blurted, and my face scrunched up out of shock.
"No, what? Sis, you have to, you busted your ass for this. The scholarships? The late nights? Kehlani, they're ready for you- no, you're ready for them." I ranted, genuinely upset. Ever since I went for my 4 year at Columbia, Kehlani insisted she followed suit, and we worked so hard to get her there.
"No, it's not that I can't because I'm not good enough- something happened in school." She trailed and I knew this was going to be small based on her tone.
"What happened?" I continued, cautiously.
"I haven't been able to talk about it with anyone. Not even mom..."
"Keh, I need you to be honest with me. I'm here for you." I grabbed her hand in mine.
"This boy I go to school with forced himself on me..." she explained, and my stomach knotted immediately.
"Kehlani." I reached out grabbing her hand and she immediately started crying, so did I.
"It's happening so fast, I've avoided him as much as I could, I'm so scared to see him again..." She continued to sob, and I held her hand tighter. "I didn't even remember it till I saw the video..." she sobbed, my heart heavy in my chest.
"Video." I repeated, weak.
"It was at a party and someone recorded, I don't know who, it was on a flash drive in my purse one day..."
"Kehlani, we have to talk to mom and dad, we have to press charges, theres evidence!"
"No, you don't know how hard it really is." She bit. "I just need to transfer schools." She suggested.
"Most rapists are repeat offenders, you have to save the next victim."
"I don't wanna play a hero, I just don't wanna see him again." She took her hand from mine, embarrassment settling in.
"Kehlani." I stood up.
"No, I can't press charges." She continued wiping away tears. "It was a mistake I shouldn't have told you." She stood up, beginning to walk away.
"Okay, okay." I grabbed her arm, pulling her back. "We won't tell anyone else till your ready." I finally give in. "But, lemme see if I can get to him, first."
"Naomi." She cautioned.
"I have someone in mind." I brush off her warning, seeing red.

Lo Recuerdo Todo (Oscar Diaz/ OMB)Where stories live. Discover now