Mommy Daughter Day

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      18 kept hold of Marrons hand as they stormed through the stores. Marron wanted to be a big girl today and walk. 18 cast looks down every so often to look at her little girl, she looked like a perfect mix of Krillin and herself. 18 smiled inwardly and pulled her through the crowds making sure no one so much as bumped into her baby girl. Another sale sign caught eighteens attention, since that oaf had finally come through and paid her the money he owed her she had gotten Marron an entire new wardrobe but Marron wanted mommy to dress up with her, so today was mommy's day to buy 'pretty things'.

Marron giggled at the crowds of people her mommy pushed through, her mommy sure was strong. Then something caught Marron's eyes and she slipped her hand free of her mommy's hand.

"Pretty." Marron scampered over to the jewelry stand. At the empty feel in 18 hands she leapt up from the crowd "Marron!" she yelled but she spotted her little girl easy enough, she was at the jewelry counter. 18 flew over and grabbed her daughter "Marron." 18 said seriously looking her daughter in the eye "you must never let go of mommy's hand without telling me first, understand." Marron wasn't sure why but she nodded anyway and pointed at the case with a smile "look there mommy." Marron had her finger hovering over a pair of mommy and me necklaces.

"Do you like them?" 18 asked with a gentle smile on her face.

"They're so pretty and shiny." Marron giggled.

"Excuse me." 18 snapped at the jewelry worker "let me see these necklaces." She tapped her finger on the glass although she was careful, people tended to use such week materials for things.

"Of course miss." The man pulled the necklaces and displayed them with expert hands. "Your girl has a good eyes." The man said with a smile.

"Of course she does." 18 quipped pulling the daughter necklace up and holding it around Marron's neck. The man retrieved a mirror before 18 had to ask and held it up to the tiny girl. Marron squealed and threw her hands up but then stopped and grabbed the mommy necklace and held it up to 18's neck "now we match!" Marron cheered.

"We'll take them." 18 said smiling at her daughter. The man rang them out, 18 swiped her card without looking at it because she was far too distracted by the look on Marron's face. The innocence of childhood she thought longingly, her own memories before being an android were a bit messed up, none were quite full or really understandable to her.

"Come on, we have to get you new clothes now!" Marron hopped off the counter and pulled her mommy along. A really big lady nearly trampled Marron but 18 saw it and swatted the lady aside. The lady cursed and scowled at 18 but 18 didn't really care, the woman was lucky that was all 18 did to her.

"This one mommy, you'll look so pretty!" Marron exclaimed jumping up and down pointing at a spaghetti strap mini dress. 18 pulled it off the rack and added it to the pile of other clothes Marron wanted her to try on.

"Here, here!" Marron giggled "you change here, I'll wait out here." Marron plopped down on a chair and swung her legs excitedly.

"I think you should come in with me Marron." 18 offered her hand but Marron shook her head.

"No mommy, you're the model so you have to come out and walk like this..." Marron demonstrated a shaky model stride and pose and then sat back down "and then I'll clap because you're pretty." Marron smiled up at her mommy. 18 wasn't too keen on the idea of Marron sitting out alone but that smile on her face, how could 18 say no?

"Alright, baby girl." 18 knelt down in front of her "but if anyone tries to talk to you, you yell for mommy, okay?"

"Okay, mommy." Marron didn't always understand why her mommy gave her these rules but she was pretty sure it was still good to listen to them. Her mommy lover her after all.

"Alright, I'll be right back out." 18 hung the clothes up around the room "you stay right there."

"Okay, mommy." Marron smiled innocently kicking her feet. 18 closed the door but kept her ears trained on Marron.

"Yeah, mommy!" Marron cried out excitedly as 18 threw on outfit after outfit and model walked for Marron. Marron grabbed a hat off the rack and joined her mommy, 18 put a pair of sunglasses on marron and posed with her daughter, worked at the store pulled out their phone and snapped pictures of the mommy daughter duo but 18 didn't notice any of them, the only thing that mattered to her was the smile on her daughter's face.

"You're a great mother, 18."

18 recognized the voice immediately.

"17." She turned, Marron still tucked under her arm, she smiled at her brother "how's ranger life?"

"Peaceful." 17 said with a nod, he looked at Marron and smiled "how's motherhood."

"if I wasn't an android..." 18 considered it, she didn't need to sleep like Krillin did and she could turn off her hearing if she wanted to if Marron ever got into one of her fits "much more exhausting." She finished.

"What's her name?" 17 asked reaching a hand out to Marron.

"Her name is Marron." 18 set Marron on her feet "Marron, this is your uncle, 17."

"You look like mommy." Marron said. 17 leaned down "hey there." He smiled. Marron grabbed his hair and yanked on it "except your hair is dark and mommy's is like mine."

"Got a good grip there." 17 winced as the girl pulled harder. "18, aren't you going to do anything about this?"

"What?" 18 asked "she likes your hair, it's a compliment."

"Thanks and all but I like it too." 17 eased her fingers away "on my head." He finished, Marron laughed and stamped her feet.

"Why do you look mommy?" Marron asked.

"I'm your mommy's clone." 17 said with a smirk.

"What, no way!" Marron looked to her mommy.

"Not exactly." She said giving 17 a sharp look "he's mommy's twin, we were born at the same time and sometimes when that happens the kids look alike."

"Like you and 17!" Marron clapped for herself.

"Yes, like me and your uncle 17." 18 smiled at her daughter and patted her head before turning back to 17 "Is there something specific you needed or just dropping in?" 18 asked suspiciously.

"You know what today is don't you?" 17 asked, he leaned closer at 18 confused expression "happy birthday, sis." He tousled Marron's hair and brushed passed 18 "but don't let me ruin your fun, I'll stop by again next holiday or birthday." 17 waved over his shoulder

"Marron's birthday is next week." 18 said "stop by, we're having a party."

"Sure, why not." 17 smiled at the two. He hung out a bit longer. 18 went back into the dressing room and Marron sat down on the chair humming and kicking her feet.

"Cute kid." 17 leaned against the wall keeping a look out over her, he doubted 18 knew about it but it wasn't uncommon for 17 to check up on them. She sure looks a lot like 18 he thought.

Something caught Marron's attention then, she hopped off the chair and ran after it. 17 followed her. "Man, she sure is slippery." 17 struggled through the crowds after his niece.

"Marron!" 17 called "Marron get back here." 17 lifted off the ground for a better view but an electrical pulse stunned his body and he fell.

"MOMMY!" Marron screamed all of a sudden. 18 heard the scream, she flew out of the dressing room.

"Marron!" 18 yelled back trying to find her.

"MOMMY!" Marron cried again, a moment later her cries were silenced, anger pulsed through 18 whoever had done this was going to die. 18 scoured the store for any signs of her baby but there was nothing, her scanners weren't picking up anything and the empty hollow feeling in her gut told her that Marron was gone.

"RAAAAAAAGGGHHHH!" 18 screamed and flew straight through the ceiling.

17 lay on the ground still paralyzed "I have to... warn... her..." 17 struggled to get himself up but his system wasn't responding.  

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