Poison Apple

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Killian's P.O.V.

    After shaking off the shock of my encounter with Emma I left her apartment complex and drove to the bar. Maybe David is there and can help me out. Or better yet Mary Margaret. I'm sure she could give me some insight on the complexity that is Emma Swan.

    I pull up in front of the deserted bar, which I suspected given the time. After closing the door of my car I reach for my phone and find it isn't there. I check inside my car and find it in between the two seats in the front.

    I want to text Emma but decide against it. She clearly doesn't want me to so why should I? Because you can't stop thinking about her. I ignore my inner voice and walk inside.

    As soon as I'm inside I look for David. When I see him sitting with Mary Margaret in a booth I let out a sigh of relief. I walk over and notice the grave expressions on their faces while they sip their coffee.

    "David? Mary Margaret? What's the matter?" I ask and they both look up at me surprised. "Killian! I didn't see you there." He says and gets up to give me a "bro hug". I sit next to him in the booth and David adds "It's nothing". Mary Margaret shakes her head and says "It's okay David. I don't mind Killian knowing." I look at Mary Margaret and wait for her to continue. Know what?

    She sits up and starts "My parents are thinking about getting separated. They have been married for more than 28 years and now they want to get separated? I-I" she takes a deep breath. "My parents are everything to me. I just don't want to see them fighting."

    I nod my head trying to understand what she must be feeling. "Do your parents live here? In NY?" Mary Margaret shakes her head "No they live in Boston. I visit them often but I haven't recently since I heard about the news."

    "I think you should visit them. I can go with you and we can get through this together. It'll be okay." David says reaches across the table and carefully grabbing Mary Margaret's hand. 

    "I'm with David. You need to be with them as they make the decision and try to offer support no matter what they decide". I tell her and she nods and wipes a tear that fell. "You both are right. We'll go this weekend. Anyways, Killian, what brings you here? How's Emma?"

    Now it's my turn to share my "sob story". I shrug "I am not sure. I went over to her apartment to check on her this morning but she bloody ran away before I could. Have you spoken to her at all this week?"

    Mary Margaret nods "Yes I've spoken to her and went over to her house to drop off some food and chat." When she said this I perked my head up "Wait, is Emma upset because I hadn't gone over earlier? I wish I could have helped really but every time I called she dodged the idea."

    Mary Margaret shakes her hand, dismissing the idea "Of course not Killian. She didn't want you to come over. I'm not sure why but knowing Emma, she probably managed to blame what happened to you, Henry, and her, completely on herself. This is just her trying to deal with the guilt."

    Emma feels guilty? It isn't her fault. I should have protected them. It's my fault.

    "The way you deal with your guilt is by trying to overcompensate and help her out as much you can. Her way is to distance herself and protect you. The best thing you can do is give her some space. Just for a bit."

    I bury my face in my hands. "I don't want to. But if that is what she wants then I will." I mumble through my hands. David pats me on the back and says "Don't worry Killian. You both are too stubborn for your own good but you'll both get through it." He looks at Mary Margaret and smiles before he adds "Just have hope."

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