19- Parting Is Such Sweet, Sweet Sorrow

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Aloysis POV

I watched from the corner of my eye as Peter and Alger stood closely by one another as we rode the elevator.
She requested him to let her go so she could stand on her own, but Peter still wanted to have little to no space between them.

I could feel the tension in the air. If it weren't for me, they probably would've been making out the moment Charles and Hank left the room.

Peter finally got Alger back. My sister survived the attack of my twin brother. And, I felt satisfied at the fact that I knew my own sister murdered our mother and brother.

But I missed my Baba. I could never forgive Ansel for killing him.

The elevator dinged and I was drawn back into reality from my thoughts.

The door slid open and we all exited and walked down the hall to the entrance way.
Peter wrapped his arm around Alger's lower back as she still somewhat had trouble walking on her own two feet.

I was glad my sister had someone that cared for her greatly, and I was certain that there were others that felt the same.

We made it to the entryway and Charles was sitting there waiting for us. He smiled and asked Alger how she was feeling.
After she answered, Charles suddenly turned to me.

"Aloysis, may I speak with you privately?"


Peter POV

Charles and Aloysis went over to the other side of the entryway, leaving me alone with Alger.

She was alive. I barely knew her, but it felt as if I've known her since the day I was born.
She stood beside me with her arms pressed down on her sides tightly with her hands clenched into fists. She slightly rocked back and forth on her feet, applying more weight on her heels whenever she landed on them.

There was still a gaping hole in her suit where she was struck by her father's lightning, but it didn't reveal anything.
Honestly? Alger looked a mess. If I didn't know she'd been in the two major fights that she was in and had been dead for hours, I would've judged.

Her short hair was frizzed into tiny curls that pressed against her cheeks. Her suit was practically ruined beyond repair, her face was covered in cuts with dry blood and her eyes still shone a bright blue.
If the room were dark, I bet all you could see would be her glowing eyes.

She felt my stare and turned to look at me. The moment I saw her bright eyes, I felt my face get hot.

"Peter?" She asked. Her voice was still hoarse. "You okay? I can sense how quick your heart is beating."

"I'm fine," I said. My voice cracked and I tried to clear my throat. "I-I'm just glad that you're okay, is all." I laughed nervously.

She nodded her head. "So am I."

"How'd you do it?"

"Do what?"

"You know.... murder your brother?"

She raised her hands and lightly wrapped them around my neck. "Choked him to death." She dropped her hands.

I felt my face get even hotter. "Really?"

She nodded again.

"How did you come back?"

She looked to Charles and Aloysis. "I don't know. Everything went dark as if I was going to die again, but then all the sudden I woke up. It felt weird." She turned back to me. "Aloysis bring us here?" She motioned to her.

"Yeah. She saw you here in a vision."

Aloysis returned back with Charles as soon as I told her that. Charles wheeled to Alger and they began to speak to one another.
Aloysis stood quietly as if she were in deep thought. She stared at the wall with her arms crossed.

I walked to her. "Aloysis?"

She broke her gaze from the wall and quickly turned to me. "Yes, Peter?"

"I... I wanna apologize to you. I was so mean to you because I was angry at what you did, but I now know that that wasn't you, so-"

She smiled. "It's okay."

I smiled back. "You know, I think there might be a way for me to convince Mr. Stark to let you and Alger find a place to stay-"

"Don't worry about me. I plan on staying here."


"Charles talked to me about it. I don't belong in your universe, I never did. I belong here, it's where my people are."

"But...Alger needs her sister."

"Alger doesn't need me, Peter."

"You don't know that!"

"Peter. I am staying here. You two are welcome to stay here if you want."

"I'm not whatever it is that you are, though. I don't belong here."

"So you're starting to see my point," She sighed. "She doesn't need her little sister that came into her life on bad terms. She needs people that she can trust." She rested her hand on my shoulder. We were almost the exact same height. "She needs you."

I looked away. "I just guess that it wouldn't feel the same if you didn't come back with us, even though you never really were there for that long."

"Life changing experiences can do that to a person's feelings." She let go of my shoulder. I returned her gaze. She smiled again. "Besides, I possess the ability to come visit you. Don't think that I won't come and see you two in the future."

"You promise?"

"I already know that I will."

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