Post Credit Scene 2

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The place was dark and brooding. The room was lit up to only the silhouette of the man could be seen as he sat on what he claimed was a throne he very much deserved.
His followers stood below him as they all stared at their betrayer that was in front of them.

"I gave you a task. A deal was made and you assured me that it would be done. You told me that it would be an easy thing for you to do." His voice boomed.

"I know." They said to him quietly.

"You know what happens now. You have failed me."

The loyal fighters of the man all pointed their weapons to them. But the person was ready to bargain.

"The future has been seen," They said calmly under pressure, "I know I can undo what I've done wrong."

The followers still had their weapons pointed but the man in charge seemed intrigued.

"Go on," He said.

"There's a way for you to get back what was promised to you all those years ago," He was told, "A way to get what you truly want."

The large man rose to his feet and all the weapons were suddenly taken down. He walked to the person and stared down at them.

"Everything?" He asked them.

The person shuttered for a second then gained back their confidence in an instant. "All that and more."

"How can I trust your source of this outcome?"

The person smirked. "Because, I'm the one that birthed her."


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