04- The Calm Before The Storm

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I've never felt that much surge of power ever in my life. It seemed weird, out of place, but right all at the same time. And you know what?

I wanted more.

I turned back to the woman and saw her with her children and Peter. I raised an eyebrow when I saw two more versions of the woman that were holding Peter back by his arms. I couldn't sense the other two women.

"Alger!" Peter took a step forward but the two women yanked him back. Peter groaned in frustration. "Can you make them disappear, please?"

The two women faded away into thin air and Peter ran to me and wrapped his arms around me.
I stood there stunned as he tightened his hold then released me and smiled down at me.

I could feel my face turning hot and red. His face did the exact same.

"I...Uh... I'm glad you're finally okay!" He laughed awkwardly. He took a quick step away from me then cleared his throat. His cheeks were as red as his suit. "I was so worried about you." He whispered the last part as if he was only saying it to himself.

"I'm impressed Alger Booth. I wasn't quite sure that you could do it." The woman's voice boomed through her throne room as she strutted toward me and Peter.
I don't know why, but Peter put himself between me and her, as if he was trying to protect me.

The woman scoffed once she noticed what Peter was doing then turned her attention back to me. "Only a high leveled omega could contain and release a power that wasn't theirs without getting injured."

"A high level- what?" I moved away from Peter and faced the woman.

She smiled at the fact that she knew something I didn't. "An omega is quite rare, especially in these times. You should feel special."

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Four clones of the woman popped up in front of her and we each got a pair that grabbed onto our arms as she ascended back up to her throne.
They pulled me back to where I was standing beside Peter then the clones forced us down onto our knees.

The woman, the original woman that was staring down at us while smirking, sat herself back down on her throne.

"I have to take precautions," She said, "My copies are practically human so Alger can't phase through them to escape and Peter can't fight them off because they contain the strength of ten men."

She sighed as made her posture even straighter as she sat there with her legs crossed. "I was eighteen years old when I gave birth to my first child. Alek has just turned nineteen. During our time when we were young, us having premarital conception was basically frowned upon. One might say that we damned ourselves to hell. I, however, don't feel that I did. You see, children, I was born in 1948; several years before a major shift in history."

Peter gasped. "1948?! That makes you sixty-eight years old!"

"I'm not that old, Peter Parker. I'm only thirty-three."

"How is this possible?" I asked. "You can't be born all those years ago and only be that old!"

"I gave birth in 1966. Right in the floor in front of everybody." The woman laughed over the memory. "I was only in labor for probably five minutes! It was nothing like I expected it to be. After all, I was surrounded by men and had no women to talk to, so nobody really knew anything about childbirth." She looked to the father of her children that stood beside her throne and smiled. "I've never heard a man curse so much in Russian out of fear!"

"So you're telling us that the twins are fifty years old?" Peter shifted a little and the clones gripped onto his arms tighter.

"I didn't give birth to the twins in 1966. They were born in 2002."

"...I'm confused." Peter looked to me and raised an eyebrow.

"I know. The timeline can seem confusing if you don't have all the details." The woman sighed. "And details are something that you don't have."

"Enlighten us, then." He deadpanned. Peter's voice seemed deeper than before. I could tell he was no longer pleased with anything the woman was saying or doing.

"Very well, but be prepared. What I'm about to tell you both will make you question your entire existence."

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