07- Family Feud

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The moment I spatted the words at her, I thrusted my left arm forward then shot it upward. A wall made of thick marble formed and rose in between Peter and I and the woman and the man.
I put my arm down and turned to Peter.

"We need to stay behind this barrier." I heard the cackling of electricity and sensed the woman back away as the man moved his arms in circular motions.

"Oh, Alger," The woman said gravelly, "I didn't realize HYDRA turned my daughter into a coward!"

I sensed the man change his stance and I instantly jumped onto Peter and lightning cracked and struck against the wall and caused it to explode.
The debris phased through us as I had my arms wrapped around Peter as if I were giving him a hug, and the electricity sizzled and went through us as well.

I let go of him and saw that the woman wore a malicious grin on her face. She looked psychotic.
She snapped her fingers and she ran so quickly that my seismic sense was two steps behind on her movement.
The moment she reached me, I felt a strong punch in my stomach and her nails slash my left cheek as she slapped it sharply.

I fell to the ground, cupping the scratches on my face as I heard her laugh.

"And I don't even have super speed. I'm just that good!" She grabbed onto my shoulders and stared into my eyes. I was so in shock that I couldn't even move. "May I tell you something? While I was with the Professor at his school, I joined his little league of superheroes called the 'X-Men'. I was one of the best members of the group. My code name was 'Mimicry', cause I could do the best impersonation of people on the phone. See?" Her voice changed from hers to Peter's.
My eyes opened wide as her smile grew wider.

"I knew you'd be impressed."  Her voice switched back as she lifted me to my feet in one swift move and then threw me onto Peter. "Shame I'm not impressed with your skills, however." She walked back beside the man and laughed once more.

Peter and I were on the floor, me on top of him, and everyone watched as I started to fill with rage. I knew that I made a silent vow that I wasn't to kill ever again, but I was starting to feel that was the only way out of the situation. And I knew that there was no way I could go through with it.

I stood to my feet and could feel Peter squirm around to stand too, but I shoved him back on the floor with my foot.

The woman clicked her tongue and crossed her arms. "Something tells me that you're about to strike." She turned to the man beside her and lightly slapped him on the shoulder with the back of her right hand. "You know what to do, Alek. Immobilize her."

As quick as the woman's fighting, the man struck me right in the chest with a blue bolt of lightning.
I could hear the muffled screams of Peter as I grasped my chest and my knees buckled as I tried not to collapse to the ground.

The entire body burned from the inside. Breathing became difficult. I was surprised that I even survived such a strike, but like the shock collar, my body absorbed the electricity and I could feel as it flowed throughout my body.

"Alger!" Peter yelled. He tried to get up but I kicked him back down to the floor.

This wasn't his fight. There was no way I was allowing him to be tangled up in the mess and end up getting shot in the chest with electricity.

My seismic sense was useless. I couldn't sense anything that was around me. All I could feel was my heart pounding in my chest and the electricity frying me from the inside.

I used what I could of my abilities and quickly caused Peter's muscles to contract, making him slide across the floor to the other side of the throne room as if he did it himself.

I looked at him as he questioned me with his eyes as to why I did it, then I yelped as I felt another strike of electricity hit my chest.

That time, I did collapse to the floor. I fell to my knees while clutching my chest.
The amount of electricity I absorbed was too much for me to handle.
I felt as there was now a large burnt hole in my suit on my chest, almost making me reveal some things I don't want people to see.


I turned and saw Peter start to run to me. I held out my hand and a gush of wind whirled around my arm and blew toward him, pushing him back and knocking him back to the floor.

I wobbly stood back up on my feet, still clutching onto my chest as I began to twitch from the extreme intake of raw electricity.
My hair covered my face as I stood there hunched over, sticking onto the blood that caked my skin.

I heard the woman 'huh' in wonderment. "Don't know when to quit, do you Algrafena?"

I grunted as I forced my legs to take a step forward. "I-" I winced from the pain. "I can do this all day."
I glanced at Peter and saw how he watched me with worry.
I closed my eyes and sighed.
I wanted to apologize to him, but I couldn't.

I heard the woman snicker insanely. "Making sure your precious Peter Parker stays far away, yeah? What are you planning to do?"

I opened my eyes, stared at her and stood silent.

She scoffed. "Well, shame he won't be around when you decide to fight back!" She started to run his way.

"No!" I screamed.

I reached out to her and that's when it happened.

Electricity exploded from my fingertips and sent me flying back and I slammed into a marble column.
I heard the loud crackle and sparks flew in all directions, sending everyone ducking and running for cover.

I looked to Peter and saw as he curled up in a little ball and turned his back from the sparky impact. None of it hit him.

When it was all over, small little fires burned on the floor while there was a large amount of smoke coming from an ashy lump that laid on the ground. That's when I realized what I had done.

I murdered the woman.

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