#1 - Rhythm of the Heart, pt 5

Start from the beginning

"Have a nice 'chat' with my friend, n'Mick?" Crossing his arms, Noh smirks at the newcomers.

"Yes, p'Noh. It was very nice." Mick grins back at his senior as Ohm's blush deepens. "I think p'Ohm and I understand each other perfectly now."

"You didn't give him too hard of a time, did you?" His smirk gets a suggestive bend to it. "It would be bad if you beat him so bad he can't stand or walk. We still need him for band practice."

"Don't worry. I was gentle."

"Gentle but firm? Has he learned his lesson?"

"Damn it, Asshole! Quit encouraging him." Smacking Noh upside the head, Ohm swiftly guides his boyfriend out of the shop before they say anything else inappropriately embarrassing.

"Guess that's my cue." The chair creaks slightly as Noh pushes it back to stand up and looks down at Rome. "I'll ask the band after practice and let you know tonight who can make it for the benefit."

"S-sounds good," Rome manages to squeak out. Another phone call from this handsome guy to look forward to. He's not complaining but just the thought of listening to that sexy voice makes him nervous. The whole suggestive conversation between Noh and Mick didn't help matters as Rome now knows for sure that Noh has no problems what-so-ever with boy-boy relationships. Where that thought leads is dangerous for Rome's heart. He shakes it off and gives Noh his best smile with full dimples on display. "Have a good practice."

There's a long pause as Noh stares down at him with an unreadable expression. It's not anything that Rome can recognize but it's intense and he can't look away. The smile he was sporting fades as he gets lost in the gaze. Another minute passes and Noh steps back and his lips tilt up in a small grin, his eyes staying on Rome.

"Thanks. I'll see you soon... Rome." He breaks their eye contact to nod over at Emma. "It was nice meeting you."

Noh walks over to the counter where Lacey noona has been trading snarky comments back and forth with her brother who is cooking in the kitchen. After a few words and a face splitting grin from Noona who slyly looks over at their table, Noh pulls out his wallet and hands over some cash. He winks at her and kisses her cheek lightly, making her giggle in delight.

"We had better go, too." Emma's voice breaks Rome's concentration on watching the lean figure walk out of the café and he jumps in his seat, a heated blush on his cheeks. Maybe it's been too long since he went on a date so he's a bit starving, but Noh seems to be just about perfect. The more he thinks about it, the more depressing that is. It means chances are slim that someone like that would go for someone as ordinary as him. Remembering Noh's intense gaze, Rome wonders if the chances really are that slim though, not that bad odds has ever stopped him before. "Rome!"

"What?!" He flinches at Emma's yell.

"It's time to go. Let's pay our bill and head back to my room. We have planning to do." A devious look crosses the girl's face and sends a worried shiver down Rome's spine.

"Planning?" He almost hates to ask. "What planning?"

"Making my newest 'ship a reality kind of planning." Without explaining that cryptic statement, Emma walks up to the counter with a confused Rome following behind. How did they go from discussing the event with Noh to Emma's fangirl 'shipping tendencies... and which fictional couple is she talking about? Shaking his head, Rome gives up trying to figure it out knowing that Emma will explain or not, as she pleases.

"N'Noh already paid your bill, sweetie, so put your money away." Noona pushes back the bills that Emma is trying to give her.

"Khun Noh?" Emma asks in surprise as she replaces the money in her purse.

"Noh?" Rome asks at the same time.

"Yes. Didn't he tell you?" When they shake their heads in the negative, Noona laughs with affection. "That boy has the biggest heart of anyone I know. Whoever he ends up dating is one lucky person and must be crazy special to be able to win his love."

At the end, Noona gives Rome a speculative look and a slight nod as if she's happy about something. Rome looks down at himself in question and back up at her but she doesn't say anything else on the matter. They bid their goodbyes and turn to leave the cozy little shop when Jae yells at them from the kitchen.

"Anytime you want to elope together with me, just let me know. I'll come running!" He shouts as he sticks his head out the kitchen window.

"Which one are you proposing to, Cutie Pie?" His sister leans over the counter to watch the two friends heading for the door.

"Both!" Jae's laugh is playfully wicked as he wiggles his eyebrows at his older sister.

"Damn horny brat! Get back in the kitchen and quit corrupting my sweet innocent kids!" A balled up tea towel goes soaring across the room and hits the window frame next to where Jae's face had disappeared.

"Yes, my beautiful noona."

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