The Rebellion: Let the Flames Begin

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I stared at the blue cloudy sky as I laid in the field by my house. I remember when my father would bring me here as a child. In those days I remember how free and innocent we all were, now that freedom and innocence is just a distant memory. When I was younger my father would tell me about places such as London and Pari and Italy. I always thought I would get to go to these places, but now those thoughts were gone. Instead I was stuck here in our crappy state of 13.

About 10 hears ago our government decided that Americans had to much freedom. They feared they were losing control, so they took away our freedom. Every principal our country once stood on was now destroyed. No longer was our once great nation known as "America" but now as the NUG (Nation Under Guidance). All the states had been given a number, and were no longer referred to as "Ohio" or "New York". Nope now it was "13" or "45" or "21". No longer were we allowed to travel, even to another state. They even out fences around every state to keep us in boundaries. Everything was just fucked up.

Around the time of all these changes my father had passed away from a heart attack. I was so devastated when he died, but then I realized he is luckier than I am. At least he is free, other like me who is stuck here like a lab rat. My mother hasn't been the same since his death. She mostly keeps to herself, and does what needs to be done. She takes care of me bests he can, working constantly to take care of our small family consisting of her and I. I would tell her to take a break, but i think working is the only thing keeping her mind focused making her stabel, so I do my thing she does hers.

I continue staring up at the sky, hoping it will magically open and let me out of this hell of a place, but it doesn't. I close my eyes and imagine I'm in London in front of Big Ben. I imagine watching the clock hands move, watching as time passes by. Ding, ding, ding, the clock strikes 12. Ding ding ding, another round of the bell. Ding ding ding, it sounds so real like it's coming from where I am now, wait a minute. My eyes shoot open at the sound of an alarm invading my perfect dream. 3 dings, this has never happened before. 1 was the storm/hurricane bell, 2 was a tornado, but 3?

Quickly, I got up and retreated home. I looked up and noticed the sky no longer contained it's bright beautiful cloudy sky, but now cloudy with no sign of sun. As I exited the woods I felt a sharp stinging in my leg. It was the worst pain I'd ever experienced. Falling to the ground in pain, i tried to locate what had hit me, but no blood.

"We got one" I heard a guard yell as he approached me. We got one? What does that mean? I didn't do anything. I quickly attempted to crawl away, but I was brutally kicked in the side before I even had a chance.

"Trying to run from a guard, and rebelling against our government, you have some guts kid. Too bad it's a first offense," he said looking down at me. "I have a girl here first offender do I have clearance?" He spoke unto his wrist phone.

"Clear" the voice on the other end said.

"Sweet dreams," he said smirking. He pulled his gun up and aimed it at me. Well this is it. I closed my eyes, welcoming death like an old friend, but then a voice chimed in.

"Stop! Stop!" A familiar voice said, "that's no rebel trust me Ted." I opened my eyes to see my friend Jake running towards us.

"How would you know?" Ted asked

"Because I see this girl walk in and out of those woods day after day, she's harmless," jake replies

"Then why'd she try to crawl away?"

"If a guard shocked me in the leg for no reason I would try to get away too." Jake replies.

"Alright alright just don't let me catch you int these woods again kid got it?" Ted asks. I nod my head vigorously, then Ted runs back into the woods.

Jake runs over to me and takes the clear dart off my leg. I should've known it was a translucent shock dart I was hit with.

"Holland you need to be more careful," jake says "you need to stay inside"

"But why?" I question

"I'll explain when I get you home, but right now you aren't safe out here," and with that I was lifted up bridal style, and Jake started running towards my home.

"Jake why am I not safe?" I pressed on.

"Look Holland we are almost to your house just please shut up until then?"

We arrived at my house shortly after Jake told me to pretty much shut up.

"Inside, now" he demanded as he gently set me down. My leg was fine at this point, and I walked inside as he held the door open for me. As I walked inside I found my mother sitting in front of the TV, pale. I looked at the screen and saw and urgent message from the president, who was now more like a dictator. And I listened as he gave his speech.

"Our great nation is at war with itself. You, the people, have made error in your ways. We provide for you, make your lives easy, and you thank us with rebellion? Well I tell you now this will not be tolerated. Now some of you are innocent. Those ages 16-21 both female and male who are not guards will be drafted into the army. You may be fighting family, or your best friend, but that's the price you pay for their faults. With that said new restrictions will be put on. Number 1. No one is to go into the woods, those found in the woods will be shot dead on contact. 2 curfew will be at 8 pm. Anyone out after curfew will be shot dead. Most importantly number 3. Anyone found helping the rebels, bringing supplies to them, housing them, will be severely punished till death. Remember we only do this for your safety. Goodnight"

With that the TV went black and I stood there motionless. I felt Jake's hand on my shoulder, but brushed it off and ran to my room.

Knock knock. "Holland?" Of course he followed me. Can't he see I want to be alone. "Holland please can we just talk?"

I can't talk, I can't move, I'm numb.

I hear a heavy sigh from outside my door. "Holland, I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. I mean I always have kept you safe haven't I? Even though it meant me acting like I didn't know you I kept you safe didn't I?"


"I love you Holland Springs, and I will keep you safe best I can."

With that he left, and I lay there numb wondering how the hell did my world come crashing down to this. I slowly fell into deep slumber, and dreamt of a place anywhere but here. I dreamt of Paradise.


So what do you guys think? :) please let me know

Please vote and comment and follow me, share this with your friends it would mean a lot to me. Will hopefully be updating weekly. I may write chapter 2 tomorrow, and I will have more information about my book for you then :)



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