A New Light

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*Im back kiddoz*

Your joy was found again and you gave the king a crushing hug. He pulled back with a small smile on his face. Just then Quirin broke into the room in a rush.

"Varian! Are you okay? I heard a commotion downstairs and I- uh King Frederick?" He turned to Varian. "Varian what did you do this time?"

Varian put his arms up defensively. "What?! I did nothing."

This time the king cut in. "Oh nothing happened Quirin. I just wanted to properly thank Varian for watching over (y/n). I would also like to invite him to stay at the castle while we plan the coronation, with your permission of course.

Quirin opened his mouth to form a response until a guard burst into the room.

"Your highness, the horses are ready but the carriages may take a while to arrive."

Your eyebrows furrowed. "King Frederick, why would we need carrriages? The horses should be just fine."

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Well, I thought the future princess should travel in transport worthy of herself."

Suddenly Varian appeared right next to you. His mouth was hanging and his eyes were filled with utter shock.

"Princess!? (y/n) is s future princess!! I kissed a future princess -OH uh I mean!!"

In the blink of an eye everyone's eyes were on Varian and you facepalmed. Why did Varian have to open his big fat mouth? Quirin winced in embarrassment and Eugene had to be slightly held back by Rapunzel. He looked furious.

"You did what?"

"I mean-"

Noticing the awkward situation, The King spoke up. "Well . . . on the bright side of things. At least we have a confirmed escort for (y/n) for her coronation."

"Wait what?"

"You will be with her through all the preparations. You don't mind do you (y/n)?"

This caught you of guard. But if anyone were to be your private escort. It has to be Varian.

"Uh, well of course. Nobody would be a better choice."

Eugene still looked like he wanted to kill Varian. You could sense his big brother instincts rising up so you walked in between them and Varian hid behind you. "So guys, I think I hear the horses outside. Why don't you guys check it out?"

Cassandra caught on and pulled a seething Eugene to the door. The King silently followed them, giving you a wink. Varian tried to convince his dad to leave as well but it was a futile attempt.

"Hey dad, why don't you-."


"Okay I tried (y/n)."

"Varian, (y/n), we need to talk. But first, (y/n), give me the book."

"What, why?"

"Just give it to me."

You hesitated to give him the book, but complied. However, when you handed him the book, your fingers grazed his and there was a flash. You saw nothing but blue, light was hinted behind it and in an unexpected turn, you were brought into the real world. You stumbled back and nearly fell back but you felt Varian's had on your back guiding you back up.

"Woah hey, are you okay?"

You finally regained your balance. Your eyes went to Quirin and you eyed his suspiciously/\.

"Y-yeah, yeah I'm fine."

Qurin spoke up. "(y/n), how much do you know?"

"Well, I know that my parents worked with you and you knew them a little."

"Knew them a little? That's a severe understatement. Your parents were my closest friends. When I first met them, I was just gettting over the death of my own parents. They helped me find a job in the village, and in turn I helped them with their studies. I knew I recognized you the first time I saw you. You are so much like your father, you care about your loved ones so much you will stop at nothing to learn about them. But in turn, you are also too much like your mother; too curious, too stubborn."

He looked down sadly at the book, then looked but up to you, straight in your eyes. 

"I did know your parents, better than anyone else in this whole kingdom could. So I also know that whatever you were looking into, is not safe for you to know. So whatever, you already know, forget about it all. I mean it." And with that he walked out of the room, taking the book with him.

Varian squeezed your shoulder, worried that you would go after your dad. But all you did was stare at the door. He smiled, practically seeing the gears turning in your head.

"You are not going to forget about it are you?"

"Not a chance."

"Okay . . ." He hoisted himself up onto his work table. "So what do we do now."

You slipped your hand into your dresspocket; feeling a piece of paper.

"Simple, we need to find a way to work here without your father's knowledge."

Your thoughs were interupted when your heard a guard call for you.

"Lady (y/n), the carriages are ready."

"Well, we should be going Varian."


The ride was slow. The darkness of the night made it difficult to navigate the trails. Eugene was still mad at Varian but he seemed to calm down. He was currently talking to Cass about their training regimine for the upcoming season.

Seeing that noone was paying attention to your anymore. He whispered in your ear.

"So what are you hiding in your pocket."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb. I saw you slip a piece of paper into your pocket. Now tell me what was on it."

"SHHHHHH. I'll tell you soon enough. But not here. I don't know who we can trust at this point. Just trust me, okay."

Making sure no one was looking. He nuzzled your shoulder lightly. "I trust you."

*Sorry again, for being gone for so long, I hope you liked this chapter. : ) The next chapter will be a request  that is unrelated to the story, I do take requests so don't afraid to ask for them. See ya in the next chapter !* - Mini_Terror.

Unexpected Changes:  A Varian x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now