A Challenge Pt. 2

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*There will be some mild cursing so if you are sensitive to stuff like that or hate the use of God in cursing I am warning you ahead of time.*

Based on how the King acted around Mr. Monroe you expected your tutor to turn you into a learning slave. But, the work wasn't s vigorous as you expected. Everyday from 10am to 3 you would only work on basic reading, writing, aritmetic, and if he was feeling bored, history. He also fit in some ettiquette, dancing, and singing lessons every other day. 

"Despite contrary belief, a lady must never cross her legs but instead, he ankles." You watched him intently. He shot you a look and you look down. "And they never give stronger looks than men." This caught your attention sir.

"With all do respect sir, I don't see how being submissve to someone else is going to help me with my education. I mean, don't I deserve to be seen as an equal just as much as everyone else?"

He scoffed at the question. "Is that what you think? I have been sent to give you a proper education and whether it fits it fits the standards of you or anyone else is not my concern. I am only teaching you what you will need as a woman." 

Okay, you that you shouldn't have cursed at him. You shoul've kept your calm posture and kept your head down. But then again, that's what he wanted isn't it. You jumped out of your seat at full force."

"You must be out of your GODDAMN mind!"

"What did you just say to me!"

"You heard me! I am ready for a proper education! I can put into the work for it! All I ask is that you give me the fair chance!

His furious expression melted into a sinister grin. You could tell he was planning something. "Do you trily believe that you can handle just as much work as I would for a noble man. the King".

"I am no part of royalty, but I know I can handle more."

"Let's see then."


From that point on all you could day is that you have been to hell and back. Now, you started tutor work at 6 and work until 6. You now studied Literature, biology, psycology, more arithmetic, and the whole historical progress of Corona. On top of all that you had extra study work each night. You hardly got enough sleep and it started to become obvious to everyone else.

You were working on a literature analysis when Varian plopped down next to you.

"Hey (y/n), ready for today? I found some chemicals I want to compare the flower petal too. Isn't it weird that it hasn't wilted yet. It still glows strongly. Oh and . . . " You started spacing out into your work paying Varian no more attention, at least until Varian started waving his gloved hand in front of you.

"Hey (y/n) you okay? You are kind of zoning out there." You were drawn back into reality.

"Oh yeah sorry. Im just focusing on this right now." Varian picked up the book you were writing about.

"I can't even pronounce the name of this book. Why would you need to read this? It's advanced literature." You snapped at him.

"Are you saying that you don't think I can handle it." 

Varian help his hands up defensively. " No-of course not! Just . . . are you sure you're okay? You look tired. Why don't you take a break." You tries to genty pull your parchment away from you but you pull it back.

"No, I need to finish this by tonight." 

"why though!?" 

"To prove to this huge fat face that being a girl shouldn't affect how he teaches me!!!"

"What do you mean?" You took a long, dee breath and dragged your hand through your messy hair.

"I noticed that Mr. Monroe was giving me child's work because I'm a girl."

"So you decided to prove him wrong."

"Yeah but-".

"You could hurt yourself stressing out this much. Everyone knows you're smart. You don't to prove it."

"I kind of do . . .  I bet Mr. Monroe that I could handle whatever he throws at me. Or else, I will be forced to focus only on lady  topics."

Varian face palmed. "Of course you would do that. Okay okay. it's fine. I have a plan to get him to quit. Then the bet would be off."

"That's a little risky."

"Yeah well, I am not letting him mess with m- OUR (y/n). He pulled out this black powder in a and hands it to you.

You poured a little on the table and poked around with your quill, making Varian chuckle, "What is it?"

He took the bag back from you. "It's the oppopsite of my neutralizing particle. You, see if I add my neutralizing particle to my sticky chemical compound it disintegrates it. But look at what happens when I add this opposite compound." He added a few drops of his sticky pink compound,  added the neutralixing particle, then added the black powder. It didn't do anything at first, but then there was some bubbling and suddenly half your desk was engulfed in a gray blob.

"Varian as impressive as that is I can't use that. It'll destroy the whole library."

"That's why were aren't going to use it in the library."

"What what?"

Varian took a piece of parchment from you and started drawing.

"Okay so, we need to find a way to get your lesson to be somewhere else besides the library. So I will create a little 'accident' that will close the library for the day. Then wherever you have your lesson I will wall in and spill a little of my compound under Mr. Monroe's feet. Then once you fix it we will add some of the black powder and it will nearly engulf him. He will be so freaked put he'll quit on the spot."

"That sounds like a surefire way to get me in trouble with the King and Queen."

"Nah", Varian grabs your cheeks in a playful manner and rubs him thumbs over them. "Even if you do get in trouble you are too cute for anyone to stay mad at you for long."

He gave you another one of the those mischievous yet genuine smiles. "You just have to trust me."


*Hey sorry for talking and few days t update Im gonna be a bit busy so while I try to update each day Ill probally update every other day. BUT don't worry, I am finally getting to the main plot and once I hit that I will have a more frequent list of upcoming chapters. Until then, I hope you keep on reading and enjoy.  There will more fluffy and cute scens soon and also a sad one so you are warned.😇😈*


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