Chapter Seven: Conquered

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--Several millicycles ago--

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--Several millicycles ago--

"Officer two eight one four mission report, cycle thirty-three point seven, Oan universal time. I'm currently onboard the derelict science vessel 'Intrepid'... No signs of any internal damage." Hal reported to his personal log as he ran a finger across the dusty but undamaged interior plating of the ship. "According to the Intrepid's broadcasted distress beacon, her occupants came into contact with the biological entity known as Starro the Conqueror. I state for the record; seeing as I had the most experience against this suspect, I deemed it necessary to commandeer the situation pre-emptively before informing the Guardians. After this incident has been taken care of, I will surrender myself for disciplinary action."

It was difficult for the hot shot pilot, but he tried to dig out as many big, formal words as possible. Hopefully they'd like that.

Hal pushed to his feet and sighed. "No tentacle residue on the plating means that Starro is most likely in a fixed location. It can easily propel itself through the air naturally, but something of that size is bound to scrape by a corner or two in these tight spaces. Its most likely acting through the hosts of its parasitic offspring...which are concerningly elusive at the moment. Jordan out."

The human GL continued on his way to the observation deck after those few moments taken to update his log. Although he was technically AWOL on an unauthorized mission, Hal felt compelled to record what happened. Mainly to cover his own ass when the Guardians decide to punish him again.

Life signs are usually pretty easy to detect with a Green Lantern ring's onboard scanners, but these signatures were masked by some kind of distortion, necessitating an in-person inspection to be sure that they weren't just spatial anomalies. Hal's ring couldn't even pinpoint the cause of all the disturbance, but a part of him, the human paranoia that helped his species be wary of danger in case they were being stalked by a predator, kept telling him that this was all some elaborate trap.

As if beckoned by his second thoughts, just as he strolled into the centre of the observation deck, three armed soldiers leapt out of the shadows and trained their rifles on the GL. "Hold it!! Don't move!!" Yelled one of the soldiers.

Hal jolted slightly, but he was expecting more zombie-esque he was pretty relieved to see the power armoured beings boxing him in. His sour disposition was instantly eroded, and Hal was once again standing tall as he raised his ring hand. "Stand down, fellas! Don't make me ask twice!" He barked.

The soldiers were bewildered by the sudden glow of Hal's ring.

"What is that thing?!"

"It's a weapon! Stay sharp!"

"Not the weapon, that...that thing! The alien!"

Hal cocked his head. "Don't be stupid! I don't have a starfish on my face, right?"

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