Everything You Heard About the Universe is Wrong

Start from the beginning

This is the view of the some of holographic folks and scientists who are looking to the structure of the brain for answers.

But is it true? Not sure, but here is another thought which I have waited to discuss until after you have had your ice cream:

We are, from the point of view of science, at an earth-shaking point: Einstein's field equations fail, repeat fail, beyond the event horizon of a black hole to explain reality and they end up with impossible answers, and just as importantly, so do the equations of quantum mechanics. Neither one can claim at this point to have real answers.

If all this holds, it is of incredible importance because the Physics of our universe also fail as well. Everyone realizes how little is really known but the implications on this not knowing are enormous.

The Quantum folks are seeking to extend their ideas to fix this problem with a quest for a Theory of Quantum Gravity but nothing so far. Meantime, we are in this theoretical backwater. No verifiable answers from any quarter. And, even if there were, we might not be equipped to understand those answers. Tough spot.

But note science has moved more toward religious pre-suppositions rather than the other way around. (The Poet smiles) But, stay tuned. Things change daily as we continue our explorations.

Next time.

June 26,2010

Now we want to take up the evaluation of the Holographic view as regards string theory in more detail and compare it to my own view.

I postulate that with the breakdown of Einsteinian equations and Quantum mechanics in the context of black hole events, space itself, not gravity, not neutrinos, gravity vs. anti-gravity are the critical issues.

The latter become side issues because we see now see how important it is to understand the nature of space itself..

We want to know the nature of space itself in the black hole context. Space is the grand mystery here, especially its behavior inside a black hole below the event horizon.

We have Space itself moving at the speed of light in the black hole, expanding beyond the event horizon and space itself expanding in the universe as a whole possibly in both examples moving beyond the speed of light. Space is therefore, poorly understood.

I assure you, as you can see, that whatever is happening with space, it is very, very strange.

Now lets go slowly because my brain is on unfamiliar ground and I am working this out as I type. You can see this, therefore, getting born in the black hole of my own mind.

Here is my logic: (see above for details) if we now understand empty space is not empty at all, and can exceed the speed of light and is filled up with energetic particles in what I have called the ocean-soup, then we want to know how the interaction of that energetic soup-space works in the context of a black hole.

But first we want to know what are the details of the characteristics of this empty space.

Here are a few guesses:

1- It can exceed the speed of light.

2- It is malleable.

3- It is allied with dark matter and dark energy

4- It might in fact be part of a larger universe structure, not our own, and that universe may obey different laws of physics, or can void ours upon contact.

5- It may be the real source of gravity

6. It can be seen, theoretically, to crush down upon gravitons or even electromagetic fields to produce huge magnetic storms in some sort of fusion process.

Everything You Heard About the Universe is WrongWhere stories live. Discover now