avengers movie

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So agent just came into my tower.MY TOWER!! And tried to hand me somthing but I wouldn't take it cuz I don't like being handed stuff go suck it agent. So he drops it down onto the table. Now it may seen weird my dislike of being handed stuff but when you've gone through what I have well you get paranoid and want it to be your fault if you hurt yourself with whatever you pick up that's why I don't like being handed stuff.

Now would be a good time to mention that he also has two tails behind him one with grey eyes like my assistant pepper (no romance) and the other skyline blue hmm they kinda looked like the two that talked to me before my kidnapping and glorious make of my first suit.

"Your gonna have to come to S.H.E.I.L.D avengers initiative is starting"

"Well then okay what we gotta do now?"

"Man broke into pegasus project and stole a highly powerful object called the tesseract"

I at this point had slid the file to my 3d projector and was messing around with the information given when I looked and saw that captain America would be part of the group and then I looked even further and saw this dude that is extremely skilled in science bit not more than me of course and turns into a giant green monster like how cool is that.

Also in the package was a whole lot of info on the pegasus project and I would most definitly hack into sheild for some more...

"Oh and o almost forgot who are those people behind you the grey eyes is loving the tower though it could use some advances..."

"Oh sorry about that I'm Annabeth Chase" said grey eyes

"And I'm Jason"

"What no last name?"

"No cuz if you had it you would look into me for more info that sheild has locked up that would not be very helpful"

"Ha your smart unlike annie over here"

As I said that the girl looked so pissed off with me that I had to make a stupid joke

"C'mon princess curls what you gonna do hit me"

And that's exactly what she tried to do she lunged at me and I barely sidestepped her attack but elbowed her in the back as she went past me

"Perceus jackson do you not remember me we used to be best friends!!!"

"Who the hell is Perceus because I'm pretty sure that's not agents name unless of course there is someone behind me your talking to or even Jason here under fake name?"

"Perceus Kanji Jackson now goes by the name of Tony stark adopted by Howard stark Howard stark was a child of Hephaestus and due to records from camp percy jackson YOU are a child of posidon"

"Sorry didn't catch half of that but you know I'll show up tomorrow at your flying base thing agent see you"

At that I had dumb-e shove them into the elevator and out of my tower I knew agent would use his clearence to go through locked by Peggy Carter files but till then I got to become an expert in anything mentioned on the info book I've got presentation to keep up.

Jay out

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