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Six Years Ago


It's late when I get back to Courtney's house, but I can still see a dull light shining through the curtains drawn at her front window.

Sighing to myself, I drag my feet as I approach the door and glance back over my shoulder carefully.

To my relief, the neighborhood is quiet and empty at this hour. I unlock the front door and slip inside the house. I notice a light in the kitchen still on, the one I'd seen from outside, but besides that, the house is dark.

Slowly, cautiously, I push the door shut , and it clicks softly. I double check the lock before I finally venture further into the house.

Courtney must be asleep already, I'd be hearing about my late return in the morning. I creep towards the kitchen to find something to eat.

The lamp in the living room suddenly illuminates, making me jump. My heart literally skips a beat and I press my hand over my chest.

"Jesus Christ, Court!" I exclaim when I see her sitting in the arm chair beside it, one long leg crossed over the other. She taps her foot as she stares at me.

"You're late."

"I know," I sigh, but she interrupts me.

"No calls, no texts, nothing. You could've been dead!" She snaps, frustration leaching into her voice already.

"Look, I'm sorry, I got asked to close tonight and I didn't get a chance to let you know," I explain. I'd only been working for about a week at this fast food place, and I usually took the night shift.

"This is the third time you've done this! It's so easy to just shoot me a text! Why is that so complicated?!" She stands suddenly.

"Because I'm working! And you don't need to have every detail about my whereabouts!"

"Well that doesn't sound suspicious at all," She laughs coldly.

"What do you mean, 'suspicous?'" I ask  her sharply.

"You know what I mean." She shrugs and starts towards the bedroom to leave the conversation. I block her way by standing in the hallway.

"I don't know what you mean," I cross my arms.

"Fine, for all I know you could be cheating." She fake smiles, pushes me aside and goes into her bedroom.

I follow her inside, suddenly angry at the notion. "Why the hell would you think that?"

"I don't know, I never know where you are, you come home late, you get defensive, I feel like a mother more than a girlfriend now-"

"You don't have to keep tabs on me all the time! I'm an adult, and I'm able to take care of myself!" I cut her off.

"You died once, and it's not going to happen again. Not on my watch." Her frown is a little more exasperated than angry. She tries to leave again, disappearing to the bathroom.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2018 ⏰

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