"Y-you, you accept them? A-as a gay couple?" Jimin whispered. He was genuinely shocked. He didn't think that his friends, guys in the most homophobic place in the town, didn't kick the two out for showing feelings towards the same sex?

It went against everything Jimin was raised with. Of course, Jimin had a crush on Jungkook. But he never thought he could come out openly about his sexuality, the fear of not being accepted, the fear of being called horrible names and being harassed clouding his judgement. How could Jimin be blamed for what was wired into his brain from since he was a child? He was a true hypocrite, for sure.

"I mean, yeah. They're still our friends, stupid," Jin huffed.

Jimin sighed, his mind not being able to handle so many things at once. He reached for another bottle of beer as Namjoon and Jin went back to playing the initial game that started this mess, truth or dare.

"So..." Taehyung trailed off, looking into the dark, glinting hazelnut eyes of the boy in front of him.

"So..." Jungkook repeated with a huff of a breath, lightly biting his own pink lips in nervousness.

The two boys had been crammed together into the small yet barren supply closet of their good friends' dorm. As they both looked around, they observed that there were a few shelves on one side of the wall, a broom, and some other cleaning utensils accompanying them.

Jungkook leaned back onto the smooth cold wall of the closet as Taehyung stood a few inches away from him.

"That kissing game was pretty funny," Jungkook let out with a chuckle hoping to clear up some of the tension in the tiny room.

Taehyung smiled and let out a small, deep laugh as well. "Yeah, it was. What a shame we didn't get to kiss though."

Jungkook felt a slight blush creep up from his neck to his face to his ears and tried turning his head away a bit, looking down with a smile still plastered on his face. He hummed in response. He could feel Taehyung staring at him, but he was getting too shy to even look up. What's going on with me? Jungkook thought to himself. This isn't like me at all.

He looked back up at Taehyung, meeting the older's beautiful brown eyes and handsome eyes.

Okay, he thought, this is exactly like me. Jungkook gulped.

Jungkook cleared his throat after a few seconds. "So, what exactly are we supposed to do when playing 'seven minutes in heaven?'"

Taehyung couldn't help but to laugh at the younger. "I hear all the things you say to your friends, all the sexual things you say and apparently do. Now you're telling you don't even know what seven minutes in heaven is, hmm?"

"Well you see, the thing is—"

"Nah," Taehyung interrupted, stepping closer to Jungkook. The younger was pressed up against the wall, quite sandwiched. "I don't want to hear your excuses, love. All the things you say," he said lowly, bring his hand up to lightly caress Jungkook's cheek while staring into the boy's eyes, "Were lies. I bet no one ever even touched you under your pretty little clothes, yet I hear so much from your mouth about it."

"T-Tae I—" Jungkook stammered.

"No," Taehyung said lowly, placing one hand on the wall behind Jungkook, trapping the younger and leaning closer to his face. Taehyung's other hand found its way onto Jungkook's rather smaller, petite feminine-like waist. He watched as the boy under him blushed immensely, not looking him in the eyes anymore. "I don't want your excuses."

"Seven minutes in heaven," explained Taehyung, in a low voice still, "It's a game where you can do anything, really. With whoever's in the same room as you. You're supposed to kiss, or make out, some have sex, stuff like that. You know?" He said as he inched closer to the smaller male who was now noticeably blushing, a small yet prominent pink dusk wiping away at the edge of his cheeks.

"O-oh..." Jungkook stuttered in realization. "So... we have to, um... kiss?"

"You're rather shy, aren't you love? Such big talk you had for someone so inexperienced." Taehyung whispered lowly in the other's ear, in a husky, seductive voice that seemed to send small goosebumps to the younger's body. The older's hand was still at Jungkook's waist, holding it in a way that made Jungkook's hormones go absolutely crazy.

They were only a few centimeters apart, so close that Jungkook could feel Taehyung's hot breath on the side of his neck, sending slight shivers throughout his body.

"Just shut up and kiss me," Jungkook whispered quickly in the other's ear, his arms going to wrap around Taehyung's neck to hold him closer.

Taehyung smirked and brought himself up to face Jungkook closer, their noses almost touching.

Jungkook opened his mouth to say something else, but no words could come out. Instead he closed his slightly ajar mouth and looked straight into Taehyung's warm chocolatey eyes, and nodded.

Taehyung took this as a signal to go through. He brought his left arm that was on the wall and placed it down lower on the wall. He balanced all his weight onto that hand, bringing his other arm and snaking it around Jungkook's tiny waist tighter than before.

Taehyung stared at the younger boy's pink, plump looking lips. In which resulted in Taehyung licking his own lips, in preparation to finally taste the younger's sweet undeadly toxins.

Jungkook took this time to bring one of his hands to cup taehyung's chin, and he pressed the other hand up upon Taehyung's chest. The younger fluttered his pretty lashes closed as he leaned in to Taehyung's touch, both of their hearts beating out of his chests.

Their lips were only mili-centimeters from touching, only seconds until both boys were in full bliss. As their lips finally began to close the gap in betwe—

"Seven minutes are up." A stern voice yelled out from behind them.

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