"I don't know why you need to open your mouth and ruin everything." I agree with my conscience echoing through my mind this time, my big mouth always gets me in trouble. My bodyguard remains silent till I hear the distinctive sound of her device keys while she's typing. I flinch inwardly waiting for her to scold me.

"Why are you still dressed?" I look up in shock. Ares is standing before me taking her bra off and then she lets her boy shorts to slip down her legs. I swallow hard feeling my mouth dry all of a sudden, she's a glorious naked vision: all that flawless skin, her toned muscles, so strong and flexible, lethal if she wants them to kill someone, but they're soft under my hands when I rub them tenderly, her long and silky legs, her perky breasts crowned by perfect rosy nipples and on top of that the face of an angel with plump lips, high cheek bones and stunning eyes that seem out of this world. "You'll remember her like this," my conscience whispers in my mind. "When she leaves you, you'll remember her like this, naked and beautiful, taking your breath away and, instead of feeling sadness, you'll thank the Universe for the opportunity of having a goddess in your bed and in your life even if it was for a short time." The Assassin chuckles and gets closer to unbutton my own shirt, exposing my light green lace bra while her knuckles graze the curves of my breast tearing a moan from my throat. She places the garment neatly folded on a chair and then unbuttons my pants, kneeling down to help me kicking my shoes off, and lets the pants drop on the floor carefully so they don't get wrinkles... but I'm focused on her breath fanning my pubis. I'm already soaking my new panties... it's not fair that she makes me feel this way while she looks so composed always.

When Ares places her arms around my torso so she can unfasten my bra on my back, I catch her nipples with my fingertips pinching them gently till I hear her holding her breath. She frowns at me pretending to be furious but I know that's not true. I lean forward looking for her lips but she pulls away and shoves my panties down letting them drop on the floor. Then she takes me by my hand and leads me to the bathroom where the bathtub is almost full of water. The Assassin turns off the tap and stares at the bubbles for a few seconds, lost in her thoughts, she turns around and points at a small shelf placed on one side of the mirror with some towels piled up on it.

"Do you want one of those? All right." I walk two steps and bend forward to take one with my hand leaned on the sink but, before I can straighten up again, Ares takes me by nape harshly, forcing me to keep that position while her hand lands hard on my buttocks once, twice, three times and my yelp echoes through the suite. She tangles her hand in my hair and forces me to turn around to face her while a tear runs down my cheek. She wraps her free hand around my neck and looks right into my eyes, she whispers slowly:

"You won't go out alone again..."

"I'm sorry," I answer after swallowing hard. "I already promised you that I wouldn't do it again and I'll keep my word." My bodyguard stares at me quietly for almost a minute, looking deadly serious, while I feel my butt skin burn. She releases my neck finally and slides her knuckles along my cheek gently before leaning her forehead on mine. Her lips graze mines with every word she says:

"I worry about you."

I feel my heart rate speeding up again, my legs get weak and warmth spreads from my chest all over my body. Maybe I'm just kidding myself but I do think that Ares cares about me, I'm not just a commission or the reason of her oath: she really cares about me. This feeling is amazing, my heart seems about to pound right out of my chest, but words are stuck in my throat and I don't know what to say. On the other hand, I know that if I try to say something I'll end up confessing that I love her and I'll make a fool of myself so I'd better be quiet. I just hug her tight burying my face in her neck, the touch of her warm skin sends a shiver down my spine that she interprets wrongly: she thinks that I'm cold and shoves me quickly towards the bathtub after grabbing one of the towels.

Blood Oath (Ruby Rose/Ares fan fic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz