Chapter 26

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Emma's POV

I was finally able to leave the hospital and take my little one home. Killian was driving and I just looked at my sleeping baby boy. I was excited to finally take him home and raise him with Killian. This little one is gonna be so loved and safe just because thats how Killian makes me feel.

"Okay Swan you ready to go inside?" Killian asks me.

"Yeah I guess so. You ready to raise this little one?" I ask.

"As long as Im with you love then I know we can raise this little one." He says.

We got out son out of the car and we headed inside the house. Once we got in Liam started crying well its looks like there is alot we have to learn. Hours later I felt as I was gonna go insane.

"Okay I think he is down for right now." I say laying beside Killian.

"Well its only been a few hours love Im pretty sure its gonna get alot worse.... Kidding, but we wont sleep for a very very long time." He says.

"Way to make me feel better about having a child." I say

"Sorry love it was a joke and you know it. Im sure Liam is gonna be a handful at first, but things will be fine as long as we do this together." He says.

"Yeah I know. I love you." I say to him.

"And I love you too my dear." He says.

In the morning I could barely even keep my eyes. I held Liam in my arms and started making him a bottle. Killian came downstairs and he was also all tired.

"One night down and so many to go." I say.

"Yeah dont I know it. How about some coffee?" He questions.

"Sure why not." I say.

3months later

Liam was starting to sleep through the night and Killian and I have been more then happy. As I laid in bed next to Killian I heard Liam make a small sound in the nursery. I got up and went in and he was fine, but his window was open. I closed the window and I picked him up and took him back to mine and Killian's room and placed him in the bassinet. Something was off and it frightened me. I didnt sleep that night I couldnt I just had to stay alert about this. It could be in my head cause Im sleep deprived so I will talk to Killian about it in the morning. I just really hope this is all in my head.

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