twenty five • a choice

Start from the beginning

And he wanted some solitude as well.

He sat on a bench on the hospital roof. The day was windy and his clothing was light but he didn't mind.

He was reminded od that day when he confessed to Chanyeol on their school roof. That day was windy as well. The difference was, there was Chanyeol keeping him warm.

Now, he wasn't that cold because od wind as he was because of the feelings and thoughts.

He couldn't push away the euphoric feeling that still tingled in his fingertips and rushed through his blood. He was anxious. With every second that passed, Baekhyun started to realize things more and more.

Volleyball was the only thing that could make him fulfilled as a person, that could make him know he actually achieved something big. Medicine wasn't his choice, it was Kyungsoo's, and Baekhyun finally realized why his brother used the headphones to talk him out of it. He knew Baekhyun better than the young setter knew himself, and he tried to prevent him from being unhappy.

If Baekhyun stayed in Korea, he wouldn't be able to get the right treatment. He would struggle to play but it would hurt more and more and eventually lead to an end of his career.

He would have Chanyeol, though.

But if he lost volleyball, he would blame it on Chanyeol. It would ruin their relationship little by little, creating space and bringing words they didn't want to fall of their lips.

Staring at tall buildings of Seoul, Baekhyun decided it was better to let go.

His heart ached as it wad being ripped to half. But for Chanyeol, it was better.

When he retured to the hospital, Chanyeol and his mother were nowhere to be found. Baekhyun figured out it was better to just sneak out, but of course, things never worked that smooth for him.

While passing the rooms in that department, he spotted Chanyeol's tall figure in one of them.

He was holding a baby.

His mother was beside him with teary eyes, and Yoora watched them from her bed, smiling weakly.

Baekhyun just stood there, unable to move, or to turn away his gaze.

Chanyeol smiled at the baby, few tears rolling down his cheeks. Baekhyun thought of how perfect he looked with a baby in his arms, what a wonderful father he would be, and how Baekhyun would never be able to give him that.

With eyes full of tears, Baekhyun quickly walked out of the hospital.

* * *

"I e-mailed Harvard. I accepted their offer." Baekhyun said during the lunch.

His acceptance letter had already come few days earlier, and he put it on his work desk, staring at it occasionally, like it would give him answers what to do.

"Honey, that's wonderful!" his mother cheered and his dad smiled in relaxation. They both espected their son to choose that option, but they were suprised when he said his next words.

"I declined medicine. I'm going to take IT major, so I could keep up with volleyball easier."

Mrs Byun dropped her chopsticks, staring at him in disbelief.

"You- you're going to accept the treatment and continue playing?" she asked with her eyebrows furrowed. Baekhyun just calmly nodded. He could see his father's questioning stare on his right. The man had a dose of suspicion in his eyes.

"We already told you that we are okay with whatever you choose, as long as you are happy." Mrs Byun managed to pull out her most comforting smile as she took her son's hand in her own across the table, squeezing it softly.

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