"I think it's hilarious that you're getting mobbed with teenage girls just because of Calum Hood." Steven said.

"Well, I barley know him!" I whined "I feel like i'm going to have to start following him around the school just to take pictures of him ever second of the day." I told him.

We sat in scilence for a second and the sound of a guitar and someone singing came from the window of the music building. It was a guy and I actually liked the song they were playing.

"That's a good song.." I said quietly.

"Go ask what song it is" Steven suggested.

"Maybe I will.. cause I like it." I nodded.

"Well, I need to go talk to my teacher so I'll see you after school?" He asked and stood up.

"Yeah" I nodded. I stood up with him and grabbed my things. I walked up the steps to the door and waved to Steven. I entered the building and then saw the door to the room. There wasn't any window on it so I just opened it. I pocked my head inside, feeling shy all of a sudden. The music stopped and I looked at Calum sitting up against a wall with a beautiful brown guitar in his hand.

"Oh, sorry.. I didn't mean to..." I stopped before i started to stutter and make a fool of myself.

"What's up?" He chuckled. I kinda fell into the room because the door opened up too much and he laughed.

"Sorry, I just.. what song was that?" I asked "I really liked it.."

"You heard me?" He asked.

"The window's open" I pointed above him. He looked up at the window and his face blushed.

"Oh.." He smiled, obviously embarassed.

"You're really good.. I didn't know you could sing.." I complimented him. I felt a bit awkard telling him that because I obviously didn't know him that well anyways.

"Oh, It's a little thing I do." He swatted the air. "That was my own song.."

"Oh" I nodded. "It was good."

"Really?" His face lit up.

"Yeah" I nodded "The lyrics are really good and the guitar compliments it. I think it sounds really great just with the acoustic guitar." I bit my tongue becuase I knew I was rambling now.

"That is honestly so good to hear." He sighed of relief. "I don't normally sing for people."

"Well, you're good.. so maybe you should." I encouraged him.

The bell rang and Calum said up. He set the guitar on a stand and grabbed his bag.

"You're in my next class right?" He asked.

"Yeah" I nodded as he walked towards me.

"You never told me you were in our group.." Calum said.

"It wasn't really my desition. Luke kind of just did it." I shrugged. We were now walking towards the direction of our class.

"Ah, Lucas." Calum chuckled. "He sings too."

"Really?" I asked. Before he could answer, a ton of Calum's soccer friends swarmed around us. They were all obnoxiously loud and I was begining to feel claustraphobic. I pushed my way to the outside of them and saw that they weren't going away. I'm sure they didn't want me to be aorund anyways so I just walked to class on my own. I don't think Calum noticed anyways.


The class was unusually quiet when I walked in. I walked to my desk and sat down. Luke smiled at me and I gave a smiled but, but then just focused on the names carved into the desk. They seemed more intrested then the quietness of the room.

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