Chapter 8: You Love Me, I Love You Harder.

Start from the beginning

“She’s not that bright,” I heard Niall whisper to them loudly so that I could hear, making them laugh again. I smacked him playfully on the shoulder and he smiled at me innocently. “It’s true!” he defended himself. I just stuck my tongue out again, knowing he was right.

“Are you two dating?” the older girl asked. I looked at Niall, not sure if it was okay to tell people, but saw him nod enthusiastically.

“Yep!” he answered proudly. A smile spread across my face.

“You’re pretty,” the little girl piped, finally speaking up. Heat rose to my cheeks as my heart warmed. I smiled at the girl, hoping I wasn’t being creepy.

“Thank you!” I replied. “Not as pretty as you, though.” My smile widened when she grinned and looked down.

“Well, thank you!” the older one thanked us, waving as they turned around, probably to go find their mom. Niall smiled down at me and put an arm around me once they had started walking away. I smiled up at him in response, still touched by the girl’s comment. It’s not every day a random stranger calls you pretty.

“She’s right, ya know,” Niall said. “You are pretty.” I rolled my eyes and blushed as he kissed my reddening cheek. I turned to deny it, but he silenced me with a kiss. It was quick, but I still smiled immensely at the sparks that sent tingles through my lips. I smiled uncontrollably up into his perfect blue eyes.

“I love you,” I replied instead.

“I love you, too,” he responded with a grin. All of a sudden, Jesse’s voice came from down the aisle.

“Haley, catch!” he ordered. My instincts kicked in and I immediately caught the box he had thrown at me. I read the label and smirked. “Thought you might want those for later,” he explained with a playful wink.

“Well thank you, but you could’ve at least had the decency to get the flavored ones,” I retorted. Jesse giggled a bit and Niall chuckled when he read the label and realized we were talking about condoms.

“Hey, the economy’s tough these days!” Jesse replied indignantly. I started cracking up, giggles falling from my lips like a waterfall.

“If the lady wants flavored condoms, then I’ll buy her flavored condoms!” Niall offered through his gales of laughter.

“Why thank you, Nialler,” I responded once I had caught my breath.

“Good, you’re being safe,” Louis’ voice came from behind me. I turned to see he had a page of a pre-teen girl magazine bookmarked with his thumb. “Look how cute you two are!” He flipped it open two a page of celebrities that were caught by the paparazzi (or ‘paps’ as the British called them) with possible significant others. At the tip of Louis’ finger was a picture of Niall and me holding hands and strolling down the street our alley was on. I was smiling at my feet and blushing and he was smiling down at me in adoration. I smiled at the picture, my heart clenching in happiness. My eyes met Louis’ for the first time in what seemed like forever. I knew it hadn’t even been a full twenty four hours, but it still felt like eternity. He smiled back, and right there in that moment I felt our connection being restored.

“I like that picture,” I commented truthfully. It was really cute.

“Read the caption!” Louis exclaimed. I did as he was told, leaning closer to the page.

“Irish cutie Niall Horan of One Direction was spotted with this mystery brunette a few days ago ambling through the streets near Holmes Chapel, Chesire. Has Niall found his princess? Nothing’s been confirmed, but we’re keeping an eye out!”

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