Chapter 30: Tokyo's end

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Today was the AMP ceremory. Himeko and Ichijo were already on the scene. For Yuki he was nervous, scared, worried, and all the emotions that he shouldn't be feeling. Today was the day they save Neon from her inprisonment. For Kira and Kori the both of them came up with a plan on how to get Neon back, they also made a plan B if things were to go south during this whole thing. Yuki still couldn't get access to Neon, it was probably because of team beta. 

"Hey Yuki," Yuki heard Mika's voice. 

"I'm looking forward to seeing you today. I can't wait to work together again in the future," Mika said. 

"Mika don't talk to that traitor," Toshio said. 

"He's just a kid," Mika said. 

"Mika you're defending him," Shoji said. 

"I would never defend a traitor. Yuki you're a really great guy, but you've made some stupid decisions," Mika said. 

"I made the right choice," Yuki defended. 

"Letting those Magi live," Toshio said. 

"They were only children. You already kill their parents. Three innocent lives, they have thier whole future a head of them. Now they have to suffer without their parents," Yuki said getting angry. 

"They are not innocent. Magi are born killers," Shoji said. 

"They only want peace. People like you and my father have destory their peace," Yuki said. 

"You're are such a child," Toshio said. 

"I may have not lost my family. My friends have, Neon lost her parents when she was only nine years old, and no one knows who kill them. Kori lost his father when he was seven years old, and his mother was pregnant with his little sister at the time. Kira she has been lied to her entire life. Me I made a decision when I seven to never be like my father. So if I'm a child who doesn't understand, if I am a fool so be it. I won't allow others to go through the same pain they have been in," Yuki said angry. 

"I'm going to kill you! You little bastard," Shoji said. 

"Shoji don't!" Toshio and Mika said. 

"I was wrong about you Yuki," Toshio said. 

"Yuki," a woman said. 

"Mom," Yuki said turning around seeing his mother. A small woman with long brown hair and beautiful emarld eyes. The ones that Yuki inherited. 

"Don't cause any more trouble than you already have. Excuse my son he inherited more of my antics, than his father. Don't you three have somewhere to be. If you threat my son again I won't be pleasant," Yuri said. 

"Yes ma'ma excuse for our behavior," Team Beta said and left in a hurry. 

"Mom what are you doing here," Yuki said. Yuki was taken back by how beautiful his mother looked, she never dress this nice. He knew his mother was more of a simple woman, hated parties. 

"Your father was looking for you. We need to have a chat," Yuri said. 

"Mother," Yuki said. 

"I know. Don't worry about me. I'll be fine. No matter what happens, you do what you think is right. Saving Neon is the right thing to do. No child of mine is going to become a killing machine. Yuki your heart is filled with love and everything that a Magi should have. You are everything I hoped you would be and I couldn't be more proud of you. Now my son go save your friends and you might need this," Yuri said giving her son Neon's necklace. 

"Mom how did you," Yuki said. 

"I have my ways," Yuri said to her son giving him a son. "I love you my sweet boy." 

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