Mischievous Mothers and Misunderstandings

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  It was two days ago now since the party where I found out about Trent and Drake and also since my “sleeping under the stars on a trampoline” experience with Casey as Michael referred to it when I got home. In those two days I generally lazed around my house or Casey’s where we watched various movies or played on the PS3.

   Tonight Casey’s grandparents were coming to visit him and his family. They were going out to eat and they had invited me, Michael and our mom to join them. As it was in some fancy hotel, my mother said that we had to dress appropriately and according to her, that meant that I had to wear a dress. I had showered and my mum had decided to help me get ready as apparently, I’m not that good with dressing when it comes to special occasions. If I’m honest, I would have to agree with her.

   She did my hair for me so that my fringe was in a French plait that was styled across to where it joined with the rest of my hair that was loose and left to curl slightly naturally. My mum then stared to bring out all these different brushes and started to attack my face with them. I told her that I wasn’t too fond of the idea of all of these products ending up on my face but she promised that she’d make me look “natural” and because I trusted her, I left her to do her thing.

   After around half an hour of my mum pulling at my hair and fiddling with brushes, she announced that it was time to put on my dress. She trotted over to her wardrobe and pulled out a dress on a hanger. She urged me to try it on and so I did. The top half was black and strapless and the skirt was a burgundy colour that flowed down to just above my knee.

   “Oh my goodness Skye! You look wonderful! I just knew when I saw the dress that I had to buy it for you and it’s perfect! Oh my goodness let me go and get my camera!” And with that she ran off to find her camera while I sat down to watch TV. I was in the middle of watching Psych when my brother walked down the stairs in dark trousers and a light blue dress shirt. My mum followed behind him in her dress with her camera in hand. She made us have our photos taken before we walked over to Casey’s house to meet him and his parents there before we would go and meet his grandparents at the hotel.

   Sharon greeted us as we rang her doorbell and made a fuss over how “absolutely wonderful” we looked. Matthew called Casey to come downstairs and when he finally did I took one look at him and almost died. He looked so handsome.

   He stopped on the bottom step when he caught sight of me and just stood there, staring at me. Did I have something on my face or in my hair? Or even worse was my skirt tucked in my underwear. I did a quick check, patting down my dress and my hair and they were fine. But then why was he staring? His mouth was open a little and to tell the truth he looked beyond cute.

   Then Sharon spoke up, “Casey don’t just stand there staring! Tell Skye how wonderful she looks.”

   He cleared his throat before quickly looking at his feet and then back up at me. “You look...b-beautiful, Skye. Not that you don’t usually, because you do all the time but...” If he blushed anymore I think it may have been damaging to his health. “Uhm, I’m sorry. I’ll just be quiet now.” Michael began chuckling behind me and stopped abruptly when my mum nudged him.

   “Awhh Casey, you’re such a sweetheart,” my mom cooed. “Now you two stand next to each other and I’ll take some pictures of you.”

   “Moooom,” I protested, gosh this was embarrassing.

   “Come on Skye, I never get to take pictures and I’ve decided to take more pictures to put together a scrapbook.” Somehow I wasn’t looking forward to this as I knew that in the future a lot more pictures would be required for this scrapbook that she seemed to have her heart set on creating. I did what she said however and moved next to Casey. She began snapping photos and then said “move closer together.” We both scooted closer together and she kept motioning us to get closer and closer.

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