Good Morning Sunshine

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Finally I have written a new chapter, I'm sorry it's taken so long. The song in the side thing is Oceans by Mallory Knox. I absolutely love Mallory Knox and this song makes me smile so much. I just want to trap Mikey's voice in a jar and hug it. It is just so magical. 

Anyways, I really hope that you enjoy this chapter and I would appreciate it so much if you would comment and vote. Spread the beaverly love, Jack xx


   The next morning I woke up and Jasey was laying half on top of me and snoring quite heavily, whilst Hayden was already up and dressed, sitting at Jasey’s desk on her laptop. I quietly wriggled out from under Jasey, trying not to wake her up and walked over to Hayden. It didn’t look as if Hayden noticed me, so I tapped her on the shoulder. She jumped and covered the screen turning around to see that it was me. I looked at her questionably.

   “What are you hiding?” I asked.

   “N-nothing,” she stuttered, obviously not telling the absolute truth.

   “Sure, now spill.”

  She reluctantly dropped her hands from the screen and I was met with a picture of Axel and her taken a few months ago when we went to see All Time Low. I was confused as to why she would hide looking at it.

   “What’s up Hayden? Why do you look so embarrassed?” I pulled up a bean bag and sat next to her.

   “I-umm, I-I...” Then it hit me.

   “Oh my gosh! You like him to don’t you?”

   “What? NO! Who?”

   I smiled at her knowingly. “You can tell me you know.”

   “I-uh...” I knew that she always found it difficult to talk about her feelings for people. “Fine. I admit it, I like him. I really do.” I awww’ed and urged for her to carry on. “But...I’m scared. I just don’t know what to do, especially after last time.”

   By last time she was referring to Shane, her ex-boyfriend. He had cheated on her; she walked into the gym one day to find him under the bleachers kissing another girl. That girl hadn’t been just anybody either, it had been Mindy, the schools most popular girl. And as if that wasn’t enough, Shane had then told Hunter that he had never liked her and was just using her to help him pass his end of year exams. She had cried for weeks and even though that happened last year while she still couldn’t get over it. She was shy enough as it was, but that had just made her even more self conscious.

   “But this is Axel we’re talking about Hayden; he would never even dream of hurting you,” I commented, it was true.

   “I know, but he’s just too good for me and would never look at me in that way.”

   “Come on Hayden, you’re amazing! Shane was a douche and never deserved you. And how do you know that he’d never look at you in that way? I mean he really cares for you, look at what he did to Shane.” I saw a small smile break out on her face, even though she tried to hide it. Axel hardly ever lost his temper, but when he found out what Shane had done he lost it, and I mean really lost it. He stormed straight up to him in the canteen, pushed him right up against the wall and told him if he ever went near Hayden ever again, he would make his life so difficult that he would be squirming with every blink. I have admit that we all had a rather good laugh at this afterwards, as we had never seen Axel so worked up. Also his so called threat definitely had the desired effect, as Shane promised to comply and he apologised to Hayden. On top of that, he also looked completely terrified, which never happened.

   “Yeah, he does look out for me, he really does. That’s just another reason why I like him so much. It’s different to how I liked Shane, so different. This goes so much deeper.” I smiled. “When we went to All Time Low, he was really sweet, he stayed with me the whole time and kept asking me if I was okay and if I was enjoying myself. The thing that really got me though was in the break when you and Jasey and Kyo were hyperventilating over how amazing Jack was, he said to me: “Do you love Jack a lot too?” I just nodded and smiled. Then he asked “More than me?” and I told him of course not and he smiled at me and hugged me. That night was the night that I really realised how I felt about him. He made me feel so special.”

   “You know what? I think it’s about time that you moved on, because I definitely think that he could like you.” I said.

   “Of course he does, haven’t you seen the way he looks at you?” I nearly shot out of my skin at hearing the new voice and so did Hayden. I turned around to see Jasey sitting on her stomach on the bed smiling.

   “How long have you been awake?” asked Hayden blushing.

   “Long enough,” laughed Jasey. “And I think it’s time that we came up with a plan.”

   “A plan?” questioned Hayden hesitantly.

   “Yes, a plan.”

   I didn’t know exactly what Jasey’s plan would involve, but I found out pretty quickly. We got dressed and went down for breakfast. As we got downstairs we saw that the boys were already downstairs, all apart from Hunter, who was without a doubt still in bed. I sat down next to Casey and gave him a hug. “Morning!”

   “Good morning sunshine,” this made me laugh.


   “Yep, sunshine. You know, the light of my day,” he smirked making me laugh even more and nudge him with my elbow. He offered me a slice of toast and I took it gratefully.


   “Anytime,” he smiled.

   “Ohhhhh Jeeeeeyyyydoonnnn,” I heard Jasey calling from the other room causing me to laugh. “I mean Ohhhhh Axxxxeeeeelllll!! Hayden needs your help!”

   “No I don’t,” I heard a muffled Hayden.

   “Yes she does!”

   “I’m coming,” called Axel making his way into the other room where the calls were coming from. As soon as he went in, Jasey came and sat opposite me.

   “Aweeh, look at him going to help her. He’s like her knight in shining armour,” she winked at me and I knew at once what she was up to. I laughed as I took another bite of Casey’s toast. This was going to be rather amusing.

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