Dyeing Disaster?

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    Hunter had dragged me into the bathroom and wrapped a towel around my shoulders before I could object any more.

   I had been forced to do it. I didn’t want to, but Hunter was so persuasive and I cracked under the pressure. I had my head pushed under the stream of water pouring out of the shower, Hunter pulling me out when he considered my hair wet enough. He sat me down on a stool, reading the instructions on the dye. The fact that he was reading the instructions so carefully made me think that he hadn’t done this before. But I suppose it’s better him reading the instructions that deciding to guess and making a complete turkey out of the situation.

   “Uhm, are you sure that this is a good idea?” I asked, becoming more and more worried by the second. “I mean how many times have you done this before?”

   “Well, I haven’t exactly done it before...but I’ve nearly finished reading the instructions and it looks pretty, uh...simple?”

   “Okay, now I know that this is a bad idea.”

   “Okay okay, Hunter stop,” Axel spoke up. Thank the gods of fried chicken and all of the holographic unicorns living on fluffy mint green clouds. Finally someone with some sense is stepping into the situation; not that Hunter didn’t own sense, because he did... Just not a lot of it.

   “Axel, please tell him that this isn’t a good idea,” I pleaded.

   “Axel, please tell him that it’s for his own good. He needs to do it to get this Trent guy out of the picture,” it was Hunters turn to plead and when he said Trent’s I have to admit my jaw stiffened a little. I didn’t like the guy.

   “Look both of you, if Casey doesn’t want his hair dyed then he doesn’t have to, but if he just doesn’t want you doing it, why doesn’t he just dye a little of it? Like part of the fringe or something?” I nodded, that wasn’t so bad when considering it. “There we go,” Axel acknowledged my agreement. “But, how about we get Kyo to do it as he has actually dyed hair before and Hunter you can watch so you know what to do if an opportunity like this ever comes up again. That way nothing can go wrong.”

   “Sure, why not, but only the front part of my hair okay?” they nodded and called Kyo into the room who had been watching anime or something in Hunter’s room.

   I felt much safer as Kyo started to comb through my hair and apply the dye, I mean all you had to do was look at his bright orange hair and realise that he had done this many times before. He looked like the boy version of Hayley Williams in Misery Business. Hunter watched intently, although he was still in a little bit of a huff that he didn’t get to dye my hair. However his little strop soon wore off and was replaced with his usual excitement as the dye went on and the foil covered the front part of my hair.

   I was sitting on the floor with the others as they were watching Power Rangers. Well I wasn’t really watching it; I was biting my nails worried about how my hair would turn out when it was time to take the foil off.

   I felt my phone vibrating in my pocket and I pulled it out to realise that I had a text from Skye.

   Skye: Hey hey, whatcha doing?

   How was I supposed to explain this? Oh, I’m just dyeing my hair so that I look more like Trent so that I can impress you and hopefully push him out of the picture. No I don’t think I can really say that now can I.

   Casey: Nothing really, I’m just hanging about at Hunter’s.

   Skye: Awesome, maybe I’ll see you there later. Hayden and I are coming back there with Jasey later when we’ve finished shopping.

   Holy Gaskarth on a tricycle, I didn’t actually think about seeing her so soon. What if she didn’t like my hair? Well I suppose that it would be best for her to see it here with everyone else instead of having to come up with an excuse myself one on one with her if she bumped into me back at my house, which she no doubt would.

   Casey: Great, I can’t wait to see you (:

   However, I wasn’t so sure about that. Maybe I could wait; I mean what if this turned out terribly? Well looking on the bright side, I suppose I could always wear a hat.

I waited for another half an hour and then Hunter’s phone rang. “Guys looks like we’re going to a party tonight.”

   We all looked at him to explain. Axel was the first to speak up, “since my sister is going and I need to make sure she’s safe. Apparently Trent invited Skye to a party and I’m going to look after my sister and you’re all coming along to flush this Trent guy down the toilet. Time for Project A: Makeover Casey. Part 2: clothes.”

   First of all, since when was there a project to make me over? Secondly, I wasn’t quite sure I liked where this was going. Thirdly, what if my hair turned out an absolute mess? And finally, I can’t believe that that Trevor guy or whatever his stupid name was had practically asked out Skye. I had to get her to notice me as more than a friend somehow, I just had to.

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Hey hey, how are you all? SO what do you all think of Trent? Do you dislike him as much as Casey or do you perhaps like him? I know I think there may be something fishy about him...but I'm not sure. 

   Anyways, I really hope you liked it! Comments and votes are always appreciated! Lots of love, Jack x

P.S. AHHHHHHHHH Who else is freaking out for the big All Time Low "The Reckless and The Brave" surprise tomorrow? I'm secretly hoping it's either a Jalex love story or a fitness DVD Ahaaa. But ahhh I'm so excited whatever it is!! Twitter will blow up! 

BTW, you can follow me on twitter @baratw4t 

P.P.S Yhe video is behind the scenes of Young Guns "Dearly Departed" video because I got my tickets to see them on my birthday yesterday and Simon makes me laugh so much when he goes through the House Of Horrors and I wanted to share that with you! ENJOY! :D 

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