Voice Note

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As she stood still in shock, Chanyeol sent her a smile and mouthed, "Wait there."

Flustered, she returned back her gaze to the notes. Heart beating fast and her mind fitting in the pieces, making the connections. She still couldn't believe the possibility of the person she writes notes with to be someone she knows. And to add on top of that, the person knew it was her.

"Did he knew it was me all along or did my handwriting on the thank you note gave it away..." she whispered to herself and soon after she heard a happy chuckle.

"I knew it was you all along. I decided to reply to your notes because it would have been weird to suddenly come up to you and say, hey I found your notes so are you alright," Chanyeol started to explain, making her laugh at his faked worried tone.

"I've always looked at you from afar. It made me happy to see your smile but soon enough it turned into sad smiles and that's when you started writing notes," Chanyeol spoke as he took out the sticky notes he collected. And at the sight of the notes, she shook her head, feeling embarrassed.

"I simply thought that you wanted to vent out and you'll be alright after letting out your thoughts and feelings. But that wasn't the case," he took her hand and placed the notes in her hand before continuing, "You still had that sad smile and I thought that if you had someone to talk to... you might feel better."

"Being there for you simply by exchanging notes made me happy because you felt that you had an ear that would listen. It didn't really come to mind to start talking to you outside of writing notes but I guess I just wanted to see your smile up close."

Chanyeol paused and lowered his head a bit to look at her at the same eye level. He smiled as he saw the slight blush she had. "I hope I didn't sound creepy," he said before standing up straight again and letting out a slight laugh.

"You really looked out for me huh?" she questioned as she looked down to the notes in hand. "It's because I care about you," his reply made her slowly look back up to him.

"I've always wanted to write this down but it's better to say it out loud. So, consider this somewhat as my voice note," a confused expression appeared on Chanyeol's face for a second after uttering his tad weird reasoning.

"I love your smile, how the corner of your lips curl up beautifully. I love your personality, the gracefulness in you alongside the burning strong-willed heart you have. I love how you're always thinking of the best for people, how positive you are," Chanyeol confesses as he places his right hand on her left cheek and caressed her cheek with his thumb.

"Funny that I've had feelings for you for so long to the point I could easily find you in a large crowd. How I saw you running away during sports day with teary eyes. How it's your smile that I'm attracted to, whether sad or jolly," letting out a heavy breath, Chanyeol used his other hand to take out a C shaped note.

"I love you."

He finally utters his confession as he gently pasted the note, which had the same words he spoke, on her right cheek.

"Chanyeol..." her eyes fluttered as she said his name. She didn't have any problems in calling out his name before, but now, it was completely different. Her breath hitched as she spoke his name, her heart thumping hard against her chest.

"You could always write down your reply. You're my favourite writer after all," Chanyeol stated as his hand moved away from her face towards the top of her head, softly patting her. A giggle of embracement left her mouth and she covered her face, trying to calm her beating heart.

As soon as Chanyeol took his hand away, she turned around to her table and finally dropped her bag, frantically searching for a pen. Her cute, bashful actions made Chanyeol's heart do flips. Chanyeol was so close to pulling her into a warm embrace but he didn't want to put more pressure on her emotions than it already has.

Her fingers tremble as she tried to write a reply. Closing her eyes and gripping the pen, she softly utter, "Thank you for the warmth of care and love. I guess, just like the character I wrote, I also found the safe haven I needed in the end." Turning around, despite still feeling shy, she managed to reply to his confession.

"Thank you... and I love you, Chanyeol."

A warm smile radiated from Chanyeol and once again, he pulled out something else from his pocket.

A paper crane.

Made from one of Chanyeol's sticky notes. Placing it in her hands, she stared at the paper crane. "Not what people would choose to make origami with but sticky notes are our thing," Chanyeol said as he caressed the paper crane.

"They said one's wish will be granted if they folded a thousand paper cranes," he said and she questioned, "But why is this only one?"

"Because my wish had already been granted," he responded and before she could give him another question, she felt a pair of lips on her right cheek, right on top the C sticky note Chanyeol had pasted.

"To see you smile brightly and finally confess to you."

Pulling her into his embrace, he could feel her smiling as he smiled against the top of her head. The two thought of the same thing; to think, all this started with sticky notes.


I can't believe I actually managed to finish this after more than two years :"")

Thank you so so so much for those who stayed with me on this long journey. I'm sorry it took me this long to complete this and have updates that are months apart. I can't thank you enough for the support and love this has gotten. It's simply heartwarming to know this simple idea I had to come this far.

Thank you for those who recently discovered this and patiently waited for updates along with those who read this since the start. I am absolutely grateful, you guys are absolutely great!

I apologize that the length of the chapters differ because I started this in my first year of writing and was only able to write simple, short chapters. Despite the change of style and increase of length and word count, I'm happy that I feel better about my writing. And I'm even more happy to know there are people who enjoyed what I wrote.

Thank you again! It's been a great pleasure to write about Chanyeol's character in here along with the female character's growth. I hope this had been a good read for you and may you find/have the C you need in your life! ♥︎

– Lily

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