Chapter 2

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Because I came back on this story, and because I wanted to read it again, I'm willing to put some of the next chapters on Wattpad.

But, as I said last time, I still give all the credits to Beautifully Shattered, and I won't complete the story here.

So, have fun ready, and if you ever want to read more, just go look for it on fictionpress.


Nick wasn't anywhere to be seen.

I stood at the entrance of the school, dressed in my rumpled school uniform. The collar was stiff and irritating against my sweaty neck. I had opted out of taking a shower in favor of getting food as quickly as possible.

Around me, students were scattered around the school, some too young to drive home by themselves and were waiting for their parents to pick them up. I lived in a rich neighborhood, from what was obvious with the luxurious cars in the parking lot. All I saw were BMWs and other high-status cars rolling out of the school parking lot. It hardly impressed me. All these people cared about were making themselves look important. They didn't care if they neglected their children from long hours as work, just as long as they got their high-dollar paycheck.

The only affection they showed to their children was through purchasing gifts.

My parents were that way. They expected so much out of me, yet they never really supported me, they were never really there. Instead, they bought me plenty of things to make up for their absence. Unlike the other children here, I wasn't as easily fooled. I didn't want or need the things my parents purchased me. In fact, I sold most the things my father gave me in order to get money for art utensils and a fund I began for college.

My mother and my father thought I was going to Harvard. They had no idea I was planning to go to Los Angeles to study art and join the track team.


With scuff-littered sneakers, the very same ones my mother almost threw out years ago, I turned and leveled Romano with a cool and impassive stare. I swept a look around him, noticing Nick wasn't standing with him. The man was actually by himself. Even if I hadn't known Romano for very long, it was strange seeing him stand solo without my brother's bulk-like body next to him.

"Mr. Romano." I had to struggle to address him so respectfully. But because he insisted I call him 'Lucian' at dinner last week, I figured ignoring his insistence would be just as equally irritating to him.

He was dressed in a dark suit with a charcoal-colored tie. I wondered if the man ever relaxed. Even his posture was upright and proper. He looked too young to be consumed by the strict life of business. I couldn't help but to compare him to me. Even if I was required to dress in a school suit, I pulled it off in a careless manner. It was ruffled with deep wrinkles and a few paint-stains on the trousers. The cuffs were showing and the tie was hanging uselessly around my neck. My mother would go insane if she saw my appearance.

Even if one was forced into the formal lifestyle it didn't meant they had to be completely serious and grim like Romano was.

"Lucian," he corrected me, stepping closer. "Your brother had something come up. I promised him that I would take you out for your honorary dinner."

Pushing the deep disappointment away, I averted my eyes to nothing in particular and breathed deeply. Fuck, my brother's sudden no-show shouldn't have hurt as much as it did. By now, I would have thought I'd be used to it. "Alright," I agreed cautiously. Any other occasion I would have refused the man's invitation, but I was starving. Even food with himsounded appealing. "Do you mind if I drive?"

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